4 Reasons Why UHive Social Network Could Top the Other Network Platforms

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

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As you might have known, social network involves around the act of starting up a new discovery journey by searching for keywords, relevant words, and hashtags. It has been quite a long time we do this every time we surf the network. Don’t you think it is the time for a change to that? There is no end to people’s demands. Eventually, they would hope for the change too. If we can make the change now, why delay it further then? Surely, there is a lot we can gain from more advanced social network, right? So, why not giving one a chance?

There is UHive Social Network now. It comes to bring new era of social networking. Why wouldn’t it be? It boasts for being the world’s first social network with physical dimension. While it might have been something big to bring in today’s social network and make UHive different than any others, there are actually 4 reasons that could make this advanced social network top the others. Don’t you want to know it further? Knowing them should open your eyes that you will make the right choice with this very social network. Let’s see here then.

1. Dedication in the Creation of the UHive

To begin with, we need to compliment the staff’s dedication to the creation of this new social network. UHive was not one created in a short time. To tell you the truth, they have spent more than a couple of years to finish it as it is now. By judging from that alone, you can see that they have full dedication to UHive creation. Not all social network platforms can spend years upon years to maximize the capability of the platform they are working on. At the very least, the end result of the creation of UHive is guaranteed to be maximal.

What’s more? Since they have spent a great deal of time, surely they wouldn’t waste their time to not come up with new and great ideas for the quality of UHive Social Network. You don’t have to worry. The professional staff of the social network surely made good use of their time to come up with numerous innovative ideas and technologies. The AI brain is just one of them. With it, the worlds can be further evaluated by spaces, traffic, engagement, and audience’s affinity. Even spaces in UHive world can be valuable and give us profit.

Once the product is done, the crypto currency is one to come next. The staff also came up with the idea of releasing UHive token. It will be the currency that users will use for any digital transactions in UHive world, including exchanging spaces and buying or selling them from each other. With the existence of this crypto currency too, it will help establish solid trade grounds in UHive digital economy of course. You see it now that those years for the making of this social network were not spent in vain at all. You have only good stuff of it.

2. No Third Party Involved in Transactions

As it was said before, even UHive has their own crypto currency for its digital transactions. It is called UHive Coin, but also simply known as UHive token. To begin with, the use of their own currency is safer and more secured than real money. With tokens, there would be no one who can manipulate it for their own advantage. Your profit will be completely protected, for sure. So, there should be less worry to feel whenever you trade in the digital market of UHive world. That being said, many platforms would still have the 3rd party involved.

They can be resellers, dentists, shops, or any financial governmental institutions. Many platforms would rely on them to use the tokens. However, it won’t be the case with UHive Social Network. This network is unique because it does not rely on any of those third parties. Users can directly buy and use the tokens directly from UHive. Without the third party, there will be less people to get in between you and the platform. There should be less likely for people to do unauthorized things when you are doing transactions in UHive world.

Visit https://ico.uhive.io/ if you want to start buying the tokens then. Without third parties like that, you can buy the tokens with the original price set by UHive platform. If there are mediators, like resellers and such, it is guaranteed that the price will be higher than it is supposed to be. While it is understandable since they are looking for profit too, it would be great if we can buy tokens from the platform directly. This is what UHive tries to realize and this is what makes it different than any others. Buying tokens and trading would be fun.

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3. Increased Value of the Tokens of UHive

UHive crypto currency is not just normal currency you can find from other network platforms. You can practically regard it as gold in real life. Why, of course, it has everything you could ask for. It is divisible, portable, recognizable, unlimited, and abundant. The token makes a good starter with that. Then, by engaging with fellow users as well as sharing and posting media, users will be able to contribute to UHive economy. Just by spending more time in the networks, users can be rewarded with UHive tokens too. Don’t you think it’s great?

Of course, this digital currency won’t be just the gold in virtual world. Through digital currency exchange platforms, users can eventually exchange those tokens for global currencies, like USD, Euro, JPY, and any existing ones. What you earn in the digital world can turn into money in the real world. UHive network is pretty much self-sustained. Not to mention, it is independent too in its advertising revenue stream. Since it is the kind of systems you can get from its network, UHive tokens should be well sustained since the start.

Also, since its advertising revenue system is proportional to the number of UHive active users, it is guaranteed that the value of its crypto currency is bound to grow as the time passes. Why, of course, the users will keep increasing and stay active in the network. UHive has been so well made that it makes it possible for people to do all sorts of thing, from simply having fun to even earning money. Don’t you think it makes good social network ecosystem? UHive tokens would be more than just the mediator currency for users to use in its world.

4. Highly Skilled Members of UHive Team

Behind one amazing product, there must be amazing team who made it, right? This is what you can expect from UHive Social Network for sure. If we look into the team, you will only find highly skilled members with successful record of product development. To begin with, UHive made sure that they have only capable individuals to work in the team for the creation of the new and advanced social network. Such kind of persons would contribute worthy things from the development of the creation to the end result of product. Aren’t they great?

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There is the founder of the UHive, named Muayyad Shehadeh who has up to 25 years of experience in code writing, R&D, and software management. He founded the Genie9 in 2005 and expanded in 2008 which marks its growth globally. There is Jason Hung too which acts as the advisor in UHive team. As advisor, he sure has quite experiences. Why, of course, most of the reasons would be about him being the co-founder of Treascovery, Chidopi, and TimeBox. Not to mention, he is the advisory board for more than 20 ICOs as well.

The next advisor is Wannipha Buakaew. She is known for being the leading personality, public speaker, and voice of progress to both crypto currency community and emerging markets. There is also Daniil Morozov who acts as the advisor of UHive Social Network too. He is PhD in economics and has more than 10 years of experience in financial consulting. They are only few of them that we can name here. However, judging from this alone is enough that UHive only has the best team to make this new social network we talk about here. You can believe that UHive is the best network to pick.


Now, we have reached the end of this article. What do you think about this network platform then? With things as amazing as what have been mentioned above, it is only natural that UHive stands out more and could even top the existing social network platforms. From them, you too should know that it is worth trusting and trying. If it can benefit you more than the traditional social network could do, why don’t you give it a try then? It won’t hurt to use the more advanced social network not that you need it so much in your own life.

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