[2017-12-25] Market Speculation

  • Kimchi Premium will be down
    For more than 5 days, Korea premium(AKA KIMP or Kimchi Premium) has been higher than 20%.
    I believe it will go down to 5~10% so have waited it gets down, but not yet.
    Seems that Korean investors realized that sudden down will show quick recovery from last week's experience.
    Furthermore, arbitrage teams' money seems drowned. They need more than 3 business days to change KRW to USD.
    So Dec. 26~27 arbitrage money will push the KIMP down.
  • ETHUSD 1D Chart(Bitfinex)
    Showing mild recovery. But still RSI is high and buying power is weak.
    Can go down between 2 blue lines.($490~560)
    If the 490 line is broken, there will be big down, but I don't believe it happen.

  • BTCUSD 1D Chart(Bitfinex)
    Will show recovery after small down(by $11500~$12500)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.15
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 53776.88
ETH 2232.91
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.30