My top Monthly Masternode Project Picks for Investing on a Budget: Coins you can get into without breaking the BTC bank that will start earning you a passive income!

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Top Monthly Picks for Masternode investing on a budget, Q4 2018

In times like these when our money is shorter than usual, we have to get creative when it comes to investing.
One of the things that turned me on to the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency space was that, for the first time in my life, I was able to invest small amounts of money and still see impressive results.

A lot of investors will tell you that you should be investing into things that pay you an income, like dividend stocks, real estate that you can rent, your own business, etc.

Many people are not aware that you can actually create your own income using masternodes.

Using masternodes we are able to earn a passive cryptocurrency income that can increase our holdings in projects that we believe in while at the same time can also be used to increase our holdings in the digital gold that backs every single coin on the market, Bitcoin (BTC).

Just because the value of a coin is low and a masternode is inexpensive, this does not mean you can't earn BTC by investing into these undervalued projects.

For example, if you had bought a Scriv Network masternode for 100,000 scriv at the beginning of November for $108, you would have seen your investment increase to $1600 within the next week. That is litterally a 10x increase in value within 6-7 days.

This is a market that you can make a lot of money in by paying attention to projects like these and getting in early.

The things that we want to look at when deciding what masternodes to get into are:

  • View the announcement and look at the use cases, projects, and most recent comments to get a feel of the what the project is.

  • Look at the project's website and if the first thing it advertises is a high ROI or pricey pre-sale then just stay away, as it could be a scam and there are is no shortage of scams in this market.

  • Join the project discord, as well as the Coin Decrypt Discord ( and find out about the community, how they treat each other as well as new comers, contact the dev team yourself, ask them some questions, and get a feel for how they act and respond before investing your Bitcoin into their project.

  • Always, always, always check the project's github site, find out how many people are working on the project and compare the commits with the road map from the website to find out if the team is actually doing what they say they will do.

There are different ways to calculate your return on investment but these calcualations should not be your sole reason for investing. Choose projects that you trust and believe in and invest because you want to support the network.

You can calculate your ROI by determining how much you will earn over a period of time from the masternode, you can calculate how much your initial investment will increase over time, and/or you can add both of these sums together in order to calculate your ROI.

One strategy that works for new investors that are investing in lesser known projects while looking to increase their Bitcoin (BTC) income is to hold 50% of the earnings to either stake in in the wallet using Proof of Stake (if the coin is a Proof of Stake coin), or build more masternodes to increase your passive income. Sell the other 50% of your earnings for BTC until you have at least made your Bitcoin back on the masternode.

This strategy allows you to keep increasing your passive income while minimizing your risk incase the coin you have invested into loses value, for whatever reason. Crypto markets are not rational markets, yet and so it is smart to protect yourself however you can.

It is important that when selling your masternode earnings that you are creating limit orders, setting your own prices, and letting buyers come to you. Do NOT give into market orders when selling because you are only driving the price of your investment down.

Always sell for more then the last buy order that was executed.

This is especially important on coins with lower volume.

Once you have made your money back and determined that the project isn't going anywhere, I suggest holding as much of your masternode earnings as you can afford to put into more masternodes of the same type to further increase your passive income.

The reason that we want to build more masternodes is because by building masternodes, we are locking up the coins for as long as the masternode is active. This takes coins off of the market, reducing the amount of coins available on the market increases the price of the coin, which in turn increases the value of your investment.

If you have been following my content then you should at least have earned yourself a few bucks in Bitcoin and are now looking for ways to grow your new digital wealth.

Here are my top picks for income producing crypto-investments for less than $20.

Top picks for less than $20


Paxex is a blockchain cryptocurrency project that seeks to present and establish a decentralized social media platform where users of the platform are able to sign up and join a forum where they can make money for posting online content.

The platform will be similar to Steemit and Bit.Tube.

The way that it will work is that a user can make a post, similar to a forum like Reddit and if other users of the platform find value in the content of that post, they are able to reward the content creator with "likes" similar to Facebook, or much like Reddits own upvote system except the difference is that when a Paxex user receives a like they also receive a payment of 1 Paxex coin.

Users can sign up for free on paxexlive and start experiencing the early stages of the platform. With a free account users are limited to 3 posts per day. Alternatively, users can pay in paxex coins for a premium account that either allows them to post 10 times a day for a flat one time fee of 20 coins, or a user can pay 50 paxex and post an unlimited amount of times per day.

Paxex also seeks to add a streaming video service similar to and offer a way for users to spend paxex in the real world with the use of a "paxex" card.

Right now a crypto-investor can set up a paxex masternode for 5000 paxex (about$8 worth of BTC) and earn 85 Paxex (about $0.14 cents worth of BTC) per day.

Current Paxex MN info:


Buy Paxex:

See my video on how to set up a Paxex masternode:


PrimeStone is one of my favorite picks right now because this is a hybrid coin that you can actually mine and then use the coins that you mine (x11 algorithm) in order to build masternodes, the reason that this is HUGE is because you are able to earn a completely anonymous and private income as you are not forced to buy BTC or register your information on any exchanges in order to start earning a passive income in crypto currency (assuming that you are mining the coin).

Currently you can pick up a PrimeStone masternode for 1000 PSC at around $8 worth of BTC per masternode and the PSC masternode will earn you about ($0.15 cents worth of BTC) 12 PSC per day.

Current PSC MN info:

Buy PSC:

Masternode Setup Guide:

Teloscoin and the Trancecendense Blockchain:

Teloscoin offers investors to earn an income even if they only have an extremely small budget to start with.

Telos has a huge amount of masternodes, making the network very strong. This is a 100% community run project that is very positive, non-toxic, helpful to new cryptocurrency investors and very active. There are many opportunities to earn Telos coin without buying it with BTC as well. They pay out bounties to community members that help get the coin listed on exchanges, create content for Telos coin and more. When looking for projects to put our BTC into, we are looking for projects with high volume, active communities, active developers, and active use cases and projects.

Telos meets all of these requirements and at $2 a masternode, it is very easy to someone to go earn some BTC on cointply ( and with Proof of Stake rewards being so high, users are able to start staking coins in the wallet using proof of stake to earn an income without even paying for a VPS or installing a masternode.

As of today you can purchase a Telos masternode for 1000 coins ($2 in BTC) but you can stake rewards with even less than that. A master node will earn you about 23 Telos per day ($0.05 cents per day in BTC).

Current Telos MN info:

Buy Telos:

Video guide coming soon:

Top Pick for less than $250


BitMoney is a project that makes the list because of the income potential, dev commitment and the community. This is the priciest project on the list at around $200 a masternode but when the new wallet is released, the collateral will increase and so I want people to know about while they can still get in and get big rewards, early.

BitMoney is a community driven project that took over the original project because the original Dev was obviously just in it for the money and abandoned the project completely.

Community projects should be supported in the space instead of projects that are based off of pre-sales and ICOs whenever possible because community and decentralization is what cryptocurrency is based off of.

BitMoney is an extremely fast to send, cheap to send, and green currency that does not use energy consuming proof of work mining and instead relies on the network of masternodes to make possible cheap, fast, and even private transactions. The abiliy to transfer stores of value, anywhere in the world, instantly, cheaply and privately, without wasting massive amounts of electricity is a simple but often overlooked aspect of other coins, like Bitcoin.

Right now, as of today, you can pick up a BitMoney masternode for 16800 BitMoney (close to $200 in BTC) and earn 1069 BitMoney (about $12 worth of BTC). Very impressive when you consider a GPU to mine crypto can cost hundreds of dollars and only bring in maybe a dollar a day, if even that, right now in this market, if you are lucky.

Current MN info:

Buy BitMoney:

BitMoney Masternode Setup Guide:

BitMoney Collateral Increase Guide:
(How to set up your collateral to meet new requirements)

All in all, please consider that these figures change on a daily basis and that ROI should not be the reason that you get into certain projects to build masternodes.

Build masternodes for projects that you believe in because you want to help support the network and contribute to its growth.

Let us know about your experiences with masternode projects in the comments. What projects are you looking to support and which ones should we look into for our next top picks article?

Check to find out exactly the most updated figures as some of these figures will probably change, even by the time I finish typing this article.

Thank you for stopping by and remember, in blockchain we trust!

Setup your VPS for your masternodes:
(get $100 credit for using my link)

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If you can't afford a masternode, go earn some BTC, here:

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ETH: 0x7214Cd2853E9BC30C8833b1117a48eF8A3f67ACF

DASH: XyG4kEAXdq7rxhoAvfisSWyZTywxVaWbXK

ZEC: t1bpF18s3q7hMM9fjWwXbbGKpUj55ocb48Z

LTC: Lh48iqbZ6sQKrYgpX7XhG1XktmkjyqFxRw


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