There is no business like marijuana business - SMOKE EXCHANGE ICO!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

There is no business like marijuana business!( Making money with a smile on your face is something we all dream about, and this ICO may be your chance to stop dreaming and become a part of smiling marijuana business.


As you already may know the marijuana business is becoming bigger and bigger rapidly in last few years. These days you can hear about it even on mainstream media and it is not something kids are doing on the corner of the street anymore. Maybe they don't want to admit that but today's marijuana business people are wearing ties and suits while making really big money on it. More and more states are making it legal for medical or recreational use and growing number of every day people are openly becoming new clients of this new fast-growing industry.

There are still some obstacles and problems regarding marijuana business, and SMOKE EXCHANGE TEAM decided to resolve one of them - Advertising in Marijuana Industry!

The marijuana industry is still prohibited using traditional advertising platforms, so they often use inefficient, expensive and low-quality marketing solutions, just because they have no other options - Any marketing is better than no marketing at all. This industry is becoming more and more competitive as high amounts of money are coming in it, so making good marketing plan is more necessary now than ever before.

Smoke Exchange is solving main marijuana marketing problem with their self-serve marketing platform exclusively for the marijuana business.

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Their platform is going to connect advertisers and publishers directly on a modern advertising platform with multiple possibilities. Users of Smoke Exchange will have options to track their conversions and statistics in the real-time and this way have a real insight on how successful their campaign is, and is there way to do something better and maximize their profit. Platform payments will be done exclusively in cryptocurrencies and SMOKE EXCHANGE TOKEN (SMX) will act as a medium of exchange between publishers and advertisers.
For publishers, this will be an opportunity for promotion and easy way to get new clients from marijuana industry. With just a few klicks on this user-friendly platform, they will have a possibility to list their banner placements and show what they are offering. On the other hand advertisers will see exactly what they are buying and have a possibility to bid for a large number of marketing packages and advertising methods. This next generation of targeted advertising is becoming more and more dominant in all other industries and with SMOKE EXCHANGE this is going to become possible in marijuana industry also.

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It is important to repeat that all payments on SMOKE EXCHANGE will be done with cryptocurrencies. The platform will be making profits from publishers commission. Payments will be secured and fast and third-way parties will be excluded so fees will be lower. All trades will be done with SMOKE EXCHANGE TOKENS but deposits and payouts will be available in Bitcoin, DopeCoin and Etherium plus SMX. Using SMX will be promoted by 10% discount for publishers or advertisers.

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The Smoke Exchange Smiling Team:

It is nice and refreshing to see team members smiling ;), and I must say after reading their CVs they put a smile on my face too. It is my opinion that these guys are ready to deliver what they are promissing. Their roadmap looks realistic and in the Q1 of 2018 Beta version of Smoke Exchange should be up and running. The main man of Smoke Exchange Team is already well known in cryptocurrency circles. It is Adam Howell - Founder of DopeCoin, Super Successful cryptocurrency that made ROI of more than 2000% for all early investors making it absolutely hit on the market! As you can check for yourself ( the other team members all also experts in their area of work so, in my opinion, it is a team you can trust.

One more important thing to look ar is competition. So is there competition on Marijuana advertising market?

Well, yes - and No!

Yes, in multi-billion marijuana business there are few well-established advertising platforms already. The most popular ones are Leafly, Weedmap, and Mantis taking the biggest part of the cake.

BUT, and this is really big but ;)

All of them are doing their business old fashioned way. This means with a middleman, fiat money, higher prices and fewer options for advertisers. SMOKE EXCHANGE is coming with a real project for future of marijuana advertising. Using cryptocurrencies, self-serve auctions, cutting middleman, and prices, making deals be faster and giving users statistic in the real time. With all this advantage it is expected for Smoke Exchange to eat the big part of marijuana advertising cake.

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So if you are ready to be part of this story then first:

Visit Smoke Exchange beautiful web page ( Then...

Read their 22 pages long Whitepaper (

Get in touch with community (

And visit Smoke Exchange social media (,

Just try to be fast because clock is ticking and presale with 50% off is ending in few days


KriptoNoob - No BS, Just real INFO!

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