SmartOne (TGE) - How to stop countries BANNING ICOs (And why are they doing it in the first place)?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

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If you love history then you know that first encounter of two worlds, old one, and the new one, always brings a great number of difficulties. The old one is usually more conservative, passive and doesn't want to change and the new one is rising fast and wants to take his place on the world stage. In our days the same this is happening with cryptocurrencies and their acceptants by national legal systems.

The best case is still fresh in our minds. China banning ICOs (Or as experts from SmartOne are correctly pointing TGEs) made crypto market bleed and go down significantly. last few days we are hearing news about Russia ban and somewhere in the background there is always a question "What if the USA bans Bitcoin"? We have to realize that in most of the cases countries leaders are just trying to protect their citizens from something unknown and usually are not informed enough about blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

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But, the thing is that you can not escape the future and sooner or later you will have to embrace it and use it for the best of your country. It is in your best interest to do this as soon as possible and make a headstart in the usage of new technology. To do this you need to change traditional legal services and find solutions for crypto and blockchain in your legal system. The main problem is that there is a just small number of legal experts for this area, so it is understandable that we are facing this kind of problems.

SmartOne Team is here to solve a big part of this problem and make much easier for the crypto community to access a variety of legal services on their platform. This team of experts is based in Switzerland and they are already helping the Crypto community in legal matters and providing legal assistance to TGE organizers and financial institutions. Studying their LinkedIn profiles will show you that members of SmartOne team have pretty impressive careers. In this team, you will find asset and risk managers, accounts experts and tax consultants, tax experts, lawyers and so on. You could say that they are covering all fields needed for this kind of project to go well. In my opinion, they are leaving an impression of really strong and serious team but would encourage you to check it for yourself and let me know your opinion in comments below.

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What kind of solution are they offering?

SmartOne network and platform is already ready for business. It has been launched in August of this year and by checking their roadmap ( you can see that SmartOne team is planning to implement new capabilities through next 2 years. Their platform is designed as a service for the crypto community, offering them all possible legal advice and expertise. Crypto community will have an option of picking up their teams and select specific automated products or services that they know have been designed to serve them. At this moment there is a big demand for this kind of platform that SmartOne is offering. With the future rise of crypto, it is expected to reach 15 billion USD alone for TGE services, and this is just a part of SmartOne Bussines.

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As they are pointing in their 37 pages long whitepaper: " The network itself offers a marketplace within which service providers and clients can meet and engage. It also brings researchers, developers, financial institutions, regulators, and investors together for the first time into one crypto-focused ecosystem.

RL Example:
Let's say you have a great idea and team of programmers to develop you some really amazing product. It is hard to expect from some blockchain enthusiast or developer to know all possible law traps waiting to destroy your project. And it would be really stupid to jeopardize your project because you did not get real law expert to check your whitepaper or go through some legal options you could implement. If you go through classic channels then you will soon realize that most of the lawyers you contact don't even know what blockchain is, so this is not the best option. But using the SmartOne platform is a really optimal solution for fast, reliable and money-saving legal advice and expertise.

LEGAL Token:
LGL token is made to unlock all doors on the SmartOne platform and allow users usage of needed services. Owners of LGL token will have a license to use SmartOne protocols and possibility to become members of this ecosystem and this way get access to all legal services.

The launch of the LEGAL token is coming soon and if you are interested to become one of the investors for all details please check:

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For more info about SmartOne:

KriptoNoob # ICO Info & Oprotunities


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