MICROMONEY - Financial solution for over 2 Billion people - From blockchain world. (Part I)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


Every journey begins with a first step, and Micromoney started they journey in Cambodia in 2015 with just 3 employees on their team. In last two years, they grow up rapidly and become a real leader in their fast-growing niche of business. By the end of this year, they will be operational in Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand with a team of 85 experts. With this growth rate in 2020, Micromoney will become a company worth 1 Billion $.

So what is Micromoney (https://micromoney.io/) really about?

For all of us living in the western countries, it is a little bit hard to see all the problems that a great number of people around the world is struggling with. Data is telling us that over 2 000 000 000 people in the World use only cash, and don't have access to any of financial services. The reason for this is that they don't have any credit history so classic financial institutions refuse to give them loans or and other financial services.

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Just imagine how hard and complicated your life would be not having an option to open a bank account, or if you could not get a house or business loan. So many dreams would not come through and so many businesses would never have started without banks backing them up.

MicroMoney decided that it is time to change this.

Their mission is to help these peoples by connecting them with financial services. This way people will get opportunities to chase their dreams and other financial institutions will get this massive number of people as their new clients. Just stop here and think for a second how huge is this number - that is half of world grown population as potential new clients for financial institutions.


Micromoney main platform is a mobile application that you can easily download and start using their services in just a few minutes. It is important to say that most of this 2 000 000 000 people have smartphones, web connection, and active social media profiles so all they have to do is apply for the loan. This can be done by completing a 5-minute long application and you will get your answer in next 24 hours, but usually much faster. On average one out of six users will get a positive answer and can sign a contract. Micromoney scoring system works really accurate and there are hundreds of short stories from the happy users online. All they have to do now is sign a contract and then they will receive money via bank domestic remittance or via a payment system.

So where are you in all of this?

Micromoney is starting their token distribution on 18. October 2017. and you can be part of it. Here is just some basic info:

Screenshot 2017-10-03 22.47.13.png

Micromoney Tokens (AMM)
Total supply is 60 000 000 AMM Tokens
Micromoney is planning to rise 15 000 000$ and they put hard cap on 30 000 000$
Any unsold tokens will be burned.
The initial price will be 1$ per token.

In this blog post, I just wanted you to get familiar with this great idea and would like to know your opinion about it. In the next part, we will go deeper in analyzing Micromoney, their team, roadmap, whitepaper, and economy around it. So before investing in this ICO, we can make decisions is it worth our money or not.

At first glance, it looks really good. A big market without strong competition, business that is operational for last two years and growing rapidly. Their established presence on social media, many happy returning costumers and really detailed whitepaper on 72 pages explaining everything you as a potential investor need to know.

There is one more big positive thing about Micromoney. You are helping people chasing their dreams while making money for yourself, It does not get much better than that.

Please leave the comment and tell me what you think about this ICO.Screenshot 2017-10-04 11.46.38.png

Extra Info:

By KriptoNoob - No BS just real INFO!

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