The rise of Ripple - another attack from the Banks?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

So far Ripple has illustrated a remarkable growth and climbed to the second place on Coinmarketcap. At the time or writing this article Ripple’s market cap is already 56% of Bitcoin’s market cap, and it is still going to the moon.


Ripple is older than Bitcoin being created in 2004 (Bitcoin in 2009) but never went anywhere. It is therefore important to note that even if Ripple is based on a Distributed Ledger concept, it is not a Blockchain.

Ripple has one function, and that is to move money. For this reason, it is an easy favoured for banks and financial institutes to enter the “cryptocurrency” world (according to me Ripple is not a Cryptocurrency, but is only using the name to piggy-back on it).

Ripple’s cryptocurrency has been adopted by banks and other financial institutions. Those companies believe Ripple’s system offers both better prices and is more secure than other digital currencies, including Bitcoin. It allows users to send, receive, and hold any currency in a decentralised way via the Ripple network. The company is cash-flow positive and holds a vast store of XRP, which it periodically releases into the market. (Fortune Magazine)

Taking that the banks are accepting Ripple as a viable solution to money transfers, it can be a method to replace the SWIFT network.

Since XRP could feasibly replace SWIFT as a payment system due to its lower cost and higher speed, SWIFT figures can be used as an estimate. SWIFT handles about $5trn each day. Therefore, in an extreme case, there could be 100 billion XRP supporting 5 trillion worth of transactions. Since XRP is effectively a bridge currency that acts as a carrier of value from A to B, this would place one XRP coin at 50 dollars. This is, of course, an unrealistic and extreme example (Ripple’s market cap would be $5trn – Apple currently has the highest US market cap at $730bn). (The Market Mogul)

This projection may not necessarily come true as there are a lot of potential roadblocks. The biggest one might be another payment system which offers an even more attractive alternative. Government regulation like China’s ban on ICOs and Russia creating a “CryptoRuble” can trigger others to followed suit and banned the use of currencies such as XRP by their financial institutions. Then, of course, banks can develop their cryptocurrencies for interbank transactions.

Ripple can be a fair investment, but in my opinion, it is not something that I will touch. All the shouting that Bitcoin is a bubble, Ripple is the nearest to this bubble you can get. My reason is that Ripple does not carry any of the intrinsic value that Bitcoin carries. Through Bitcoin’s short lifetime many attacks were launched in the form of “the end of Bitcoin, articles), “bubble articles” and well-known bankers (think Jamie Dimon) educating investors that Bitcoin is a bubble. All these assaults had no longterm effect on the rise of Bitcoin.

In my opinion, we now see the latest attack. By selecting a “cryptocurrency” which can be controlled by banks and financial institutes and which does not need to mined by decentralised nodes (the bulk of the coins are held by a central company who can decide to increase the amount without anyone holding them accountable - yes I know they put the amount in a trust and promised not to do it). By pouring money into this currency, banks and financial institutes can drive it to have a higher market capitalisation and thereby attempt to make it the dominant “cryptocurrency”. With this position, they get a certain control of the crypto market and can manipulate the prices.

So far Bitcoin illustrated its robustness. We need to see if the need which Bitcoin fulfils in the market is strong enough to counter this attack.


BTC needs to roll out the Lightening Network ASAP, or it will get hit even harder.

Agree. But Lightning is more than just fast payments. With this solution, BTC is actually paving the way how blockchains are going to work in the future. Even if Bcash does not agree, the answer to faster transactions is not in the size of the block. With BTC solution the blockchain only becomes a platform on which new technology can be built. In this manner, BTC can adjust to new technology without changing its fundamentals. I am quite excited about the new development and cannot wait for Lightning :)

I agree that upping the blocksize is not the solution long term. However upped it 2X would have been a good intermediate solution until the Lightening Network is ready.

The reason why people are investing in crypto currencies is beacause of decentralization. Investing in Ripple is akin to promoting centralization of banks. It makes no difference holding onto fiat money if you are going to hold Ripple.

There is so much I agree with in your article @krabgat !! XRP is a wolf in sheeps clothing as regards cryptocurrencies....or even perhaps a 'trojan horse' .... accepted into the crypto space with false credentials. I personally will not speculate on this 'coin' for most of the reasons postulated above by your self.
Food for thought indeed.

Thanks TheMagus!

Thanks for the advice, I have been struggling for a while whether I should invest in Ripple or not, seems or not will win!

You are welcome. But this is only my opinion. Please do you own research before making a decision.

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