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RE: KORE views Privacy and Security as Inalienable Universal Global Human Rights and is working on the Æther OS, KOREPhone, KOREbay and KORESurf Tor Browser...and more... to ensure we regain and retain these rights!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

It is with great pleasure that the Kore team has released a new wallet for Kore.
The new wallet comes with the latest Bitcoin core updates through 12.xx, Proof of Stake 3.0, and Masternodes.
All network aspects of the Kore wallet are run over the well known Tor network for privacy and security.
It also has a built in block explorer and Bittrex trading window.
The Kore team was met with many challenges and obstacles along the way while developing this wallet.
We met these challenges head on and overcame them.
We deeply appreciate the always amazing Kore community for sticking with the Kore team and helping us bring the wallet to fruition.
Thank you, Kore Projects Team

IMPORTANT: Only use the KORE OP page for wallet download links.
Never click or use a link to a wallet someone posts in the thread.

Wallet Swap Instructional Video for Windows:

Wallet Swap text Instructions:


Download required libraries:
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y

echo|sudo apt-add-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin

sudo apt-get update && apt-­get upgrade ­-y

sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev libcurl4-nss-dev bsdmainutils libboost-all-dev libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev libsqlite3-dev libprotobuf-dev libasound2-dev uuid-dev libuuid1 libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools liblog4cplus-dev libavdevice-dev libsndio-dev libjack-dev libavformat-dev libopencore-amrnb-dev libopencore-amrwb-dev libswscale-dev libopus-dev libavcodec-dev libspeexdsp-dev libspeex-dev libsdl-dev libsdl2-dev libgsm1-dev jq git -y

clone the latest Kore wallet
git clone

cd to kore directory
cd kore

run the autogen shell and configure the wallet
./ && ./configure

install the wallet
sudo make install

copy your wallet.dat file
mkdir ~/.kore
cp ~/.korecoindata/wallet.dat ~/.kore/wallet.dat

start your new wallet.


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