PLAYGAME.COM - the world's largest Crypto-Arcade playground

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago is a decentralized global gaming ecosystem who are committed in creating a healthy, inclusive and transparent gaming ecosystem that is beneficial for game developers, publishers and also the gamers themselves. Here’s our review.

What Is PLAYGAME.COM? is the first decentralized Crypto Arcade Playground that uses blockchain technology to offer a simple world-class solution for game developers to fund their amazing projects. They will be able to acquire, retain and monetize their games to crypto-enthusiasts, without having to worry.

PlayGame Token is an ERC20 cryptocurrency token with smart contract platform enabling game publishers, developers and communities to monetise directly from cryptocurrency crowds all over the world.

What Problems Does PLAYGAME.COM Seek To Solve?

According to mobile game research company Newzoo, the global gaming market is expected to reach $125.4Bn in 2018, driven by mobile games on smart devices (Newzoo, 2017). 46% of the revenue is expected to be generated by games on tablets and smartphones.

Despite the success of the gaming industry, there are some major problems with the industry, including all of the following:

Higher initial capital outlay:

some established studios with huge reserves and connections began entering the marketplace, causing indie game studios to struggle with increasing CPI (Cost-Per-Installs) and competition F2P (Free-to-Play) Games. These F2P games require a higher initial capital outlay of resources to be successful and are thus dominated by big game studios.


Game vendors pay 30% of all revenues to the market, while players receive no profit whatsoever from today’s current gaming system. All dedicated gaming platforms are centralized and monopolized.


Trading processes can be overly complicated. Platforms that offer earnings in exchange for playing are generally untrusted. We’ve all seen sleazy ad-based gaming websites online based around a model like this.

Diversified: sees today’s gaming ecosystem as diversified. The industry is about much more than just playing games, and yet gamers need to use multiple platforms to trade, develop products, and advertise them.

How Does PLAYGAME.COM Work? is built with the goal to solve all of the above problems by making an all-in-one platform for the gaming ecosystem. solves the funding problem that often plagues new developer aiming to turn their ideas into wonderful games for game projects/idea creators to receive proper funding and gives assurance for backers when they back projects that they see potential in. provide game developers an amazing chance to create games for Cryptoenthusiasts which is an emerging market. Fun games where people pay tokens to play and compete to win more tokens of other cryptocurrencies. This solves the problem of acquiring, monetizing, and retaining users for indie game developers.

How To Use PXG token in PLAYGAME.COM?

In, gamers (crypto traders) must “insert” a certain amount of PXG to participate and play in a time-exclusive gaming event. For example:

  1. We have 1000 players aiming to join and play a game of SUDOKU for a 24-hour period. Each player would have to deposit 1 PXG to participate.

  2. The game “room” would have 1000 players competing in the 24-hour period and 1000. We have 1000 players on the game “room”, competing for a limited amount of time (24 hours) and a pool of 1000 PXG. will take 5% of the 1000 PXG to be divided with game developers at a 90% - 10% rate favoring the developers. 50PXG will be taken out of the “room” and 5 PXG (10%) will go to as maintenance and administrative fee, and 45 PXG (90%) will go as payment to Game developers. 950 PXG will be the prize pool for gamers.

  3. They will play and compete for high scores and scores will be reflected as leaderboard for the next 24 hours on the SUDOKU Game. The prize is not fixed but an example could be: No 1 will get 100 PXG, 2-10 will get 50 PXG each and the remaining players will share 400 PXG, which means = 400/900 players = 0.44 PXG per players who does not reach the top 10 leaderboards. The rules and numerals have not been finalized and the above example is just to illustrate the business model of how it will work in the platform.

The rules and numerals have not been finalized and the above example is just to illustrate the business model of how it will work in the platform.

Who’s Behind PLAYGAME.COM? is led by Anton Soeharyo (CEO), Anton founded one of the most successful mobile game company in Indonesia - TouchTen Pte Ltd. who have built games on Google Play and Apple’s App Store with over 50 million downloads and millions of daily active users. founded in 2018 and based in Singapore. have a roadmap and a working product and will be up and running by October 2018

What Advantages Using PLAYGAME.COM?

Benefits for game publishers/developers

  • Open source SDK, easy to use with integrated wallet
  • Monetize directly to users, no gatekeeper fees and profit sharings*
  • Empowering games to use cryptocurrency in their game economy
  • No worries on fraud, chargebacks and other payment gateway problems as everything is built on top of blockchain technology
  • Full access to our crowdfunding platform (FunFund Initiative)

Benefits for gamers

  • Get rewarded with tokens while playing games
  • Full control of ownership of any virtual goods
  • Buy in-game purchase with PXG Token
  • Double your tokens by entering tournaments and staking your tokens
  • Trade PXG tokens in supported exchanges globally


Token info

Token : PXG
Platform : Ethereum
Type : ERC20

Number of tokens for sale
600,000,000 PXG (60%)

Pre Token Sale
Capped at 200,000,000 PXG
1 ETH = 18,000 PXG
September 10th 2018 at 03:00PM UTC+7

Token Sale
Capped at 400,000,000 PXG
1 ETH = 15,000 PXG
September 24th 2018 at 03:00PM UTC+7

Participants using TEN will get additional 10% PXG tokens





More Information:


Author of the article:

Bitcointalk username : hardiansyah
Profile link :;u=1100175

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