Sickness, Vampires & Markets

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago

Flu holding well, 15 hours sleep seemed to help, head cold - thank christ - that and off my face on Pseudoephedrine - always great ...

Feel like Eva, oh Eva, why did she have to leave? Jasper is never going to be the same...

Markets, all sources tell me this coming week is going to be brutal.

Hopefully, this head cold will be rapidly defeated, and while i do feel ... absolutely fantastic due to some hard hitting painkillers, i cant dismiss the fact that i am still sick.

Now normally, i would go about my day to day with this - but i think in this present climate it is bequeath on all of us to be responsible.

Do i want to work tomorrow? Yeah, and they probably really need me.

Do i want to infect an entire train carriage and office with a head cold? - no - not in this climate where we have deadly viruses roaming around, leaves people open to easy double infections.

And so - this is one time i would suggest to anyone out there - fight the urge to be stoic - and "soldier on" if we do that, we could end up like Italy.

You dont need to quarantine yourself for 14 days for a flu or something, but at least stay away from public until you are well, and then a day or so the other side of it so your truly "clear" of infection.

Its some pretty crazy times right now, illness everywhere, markets in chaos, and Eva is going away from La By Night, ...look after yourself everyone.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64349.20
ETH 2673.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83