Now That, Is One Strange Virus

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago

Alright, Alright, time for another Pseudo infused daily article.

Yeah im still sick, but im on the other side of the bell curve at this stage.

So - Steemit, is in ruins, and it seems as if we are due for a hard fork in response to Justin Sun, personally? my comments to the rest of you all, is when has a single platform ever mattered? This is the cypherpunk movement, we go here, go there, we go wherever, who cares.

I saw this as a failed project from the moment i arrived, which is why i stayed here, its like broadcasting from smoking ruins.. i will support the fork, but it would want to be a good platform for me to consider moving.

So this Corona Virus has the traditional markets in shambles, and it has crossed over into our Crypto space.

Hopped up on all sorts of painkillers after my "dream" yesterday i spent most of the past 24 hours consolidating everything offline - and as of about an hour ago finished.

The reason?

Many of these crypto exchanges could fail, go into liquidation and just shut up shop, we saw last month TradeSatoshi and we see even others like Coss in private only mode now.

Usually, i would recommend holding any poor performing alt positions you may have acquired over the past 2 years, but honestly? while i think BTC will survive, i am not certain how many of these smaller tech companies will fare in such a brutal economic environment.

Hopefully, things take a turn for the better and this Corona Virus is routed, but looking at the damage it has already done to the markets, given that we dont know what we are dealing with, it seems sensible to me to consolidate as much as you can into BTC.

Its important to understand, what we are dealing with, is not a bear market, its financial meltdown on a global scale - it could get worse, it could get better, we dont know - but just like the stock market, the crypto market is going to be shredded as well, and we are not to know - what will rise on the other side.

As things or if things further decline, it may, be a buying opportunity, but right now i see the only sensible buying opportunity being BTC & ETH and i would recommend many of you look at your portfolios and consider, what return, you might be able to squeeze out of those alts, if you consolidated them.

I say that, with a heavy heart, but i think its the most sensible decision right now.

You can always buy back in on your favorite alt coin pet project later - for now - focus on making sure we actually get through this.

To re-iterate - this is not a bear market, this is global financial crisis - and, without panic, it could, in theory, get worse, depending how the health precautions of the government go in respective countries.

I for one, wish them well, but i do not suggest, you, i or anyone, leave our financial interests in their hands alone when we have the ability to enact our own protective measures.

Now is a good time to consolidate - fire up the miners if you have them - fire up the staking wallets if you have them, and remember that still at this time, everything goes up and down with BTC - for the moment - stop worrying about chasing those 30% potential daily gains, and just focus on financial stability of your portfolio.

We have always said, since the early days, Bitcoin, is a safety and store of value in a crisis - well here we are - were in one - so i am putting that theory to the test - come what may.

For the foreseeable future we are in a different world - its uncharted territory, our Analysis does not mean anything in this kind of pandemic health crisis and subsequent financial melt down - we have no idea, but the only idea, should be to survive.

So do it - consolidate your wealth to safety.

If you see an opportunity in this mess, sure take it - but don't lose your shirt because of it.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 62800.25
ETH 2449.72
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.57