Eden Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Genesis & Security

As the cryptocurrency market grows gaining incremental adoption through business and merchant integration, coupled with a rise in general awareness of cryptocurrencies by the general public through media exposure, whether you’re a technologist, trader or investor, one thing is universally relevant to everyone, security.

While many in the cryptocurrency space have different ideologies and opinions as to what constitutes the best application of blockchain technology and decentralized digital currencies, all can agree that if you are not in control of the storage and security of your cryptocurrencies, you are vulnerable.

It is true that there have been amazing improvements in addressing security vulnerabilities across all major exchanges and major software wallets, however the issue with storing all your cryptocurrencies on either of these is that you cannot account for unknown anomalies or exploits that may be found and exploited by hackers or otherwise disingenuous individuals.

Software Wallets & Exchanges

For instance, your favorite software wallet may in and of itself be the most secure, but is your operating system? Is every internet connected application on your computer? If at any point, security vulnerabilities were to arise within any part of the chain of your computers digital ecosystem, this could potentially leave your cryptocurrencies vulnerable to theft.

The same can be said for cryptocurrency exchanges, many of us in the cryptocurrency space ascribe to the philosophy of “being ones own bank” but, the reality is, if you are keeping the majority of your cryptocurrencies on exchanges, they may for all intents and purposes very well be your bank, because the private keys and security are totally outside your control, they may be reputable right now, they may be secure right now, but so was Mt. Gox, until it wasn’t.

Sure, If you are a technologist, trader or investor, we all know, we keep amounts on software wallets and exchanges, for a variety of reasons, easy purchases, fast trades, we all have our reasons, but when it comes to protecting your wealth, or long term hold positions, the wisest decision you can make is to secure your cryptocurrencies on a hardware wallet and this is where the Eden cryptocurrency hardware wallet steps in.

Eden Cryptocurrency Hard Wallet

While many of you are no doubt familiar with the Trezor and Ledger Nano hardware wallets, both great products in their own right, AD4M’s hardware wallet Eden is ahead of the curve, focusing on real world utility, real world use of crypto, Eden addresses the long-term position of us moving into a world where we can actually live by making purchases with our cryptocurrencies.

Both secure and lightweight, the FIPS 197 Military-Grade Encrypted Flash Memory device is accessed by your fingerprint, meaning no one other than you can access the device, and with a sleek aesthetic design allows the storage of up to 5 credit cards all contained within the one unit, how cool is that?

While Trezor & Ledger focus on the aspect of secure storage much like a vault, Eden focuses on being a secure way to store your expendable crypto, yes you could just throw it in your vault and forget about it, but if you’re a crypto enthusiast and want to spend your digital dollars, it’s the wallet for you.

Sure, it’s not going to be the kind of wallet you keep everything on, no one should ever keep any of their holdings in one place but, it’s a sleek sexy design, where you could keep some of your crypto, and then slot in your crypto debit cards and even regular bank cards into the wallet due to its beautiful design.

Dude, Where’s my Wallet?

One of the coolest and innovative things about the Eden hardware wallet is its GPS tracking capabilities, Eden has a state of the art Bluetooth LE tracking device installed which means should you lose your wallet, or it was stolen, you could locate it almost instantly.

The device sports a custom battery that lasts up to 30 days on just one charge and an aluminum alloy body that is water resistant up to IP57 standards, which means yes, if you lose your wallet, or its stolen, yes, it can be found and retrieved.

Often people ask, why would I want a wallet with GPS tracking, the reason is, as we move forward, into a crypto world, it allows you more security, if someone steals your funds, you know where they are, if you lose your funds, you know where they are, it allows us greater control, and gives us greater peace of mind through the likes of Eden.

Enter The Garden of Eden

If your interested in the project, whether you want to buy a unit, or just support the project, enter the garden of Eden, https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/all-in-one-cryptocurrency-hard-wallet-with-gps/#/ and remember, buy red, sell green.


Great article! More competition should result in increased security decreased costs to the consumers.

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