ALTCOINS BLOoDY MORNING! The world is going to end?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Hello, boys and girls and a warm wellcome to a bloody saturday's morning!


As we can see here, we (at least in europe) have woken up into one bloody mess. Yes, boys and girls! Prices of top volume crypto are all red with blood and we are gonna talk a little about that.

Do we panic? Do we use the blood for transfusion? :-)

All this panic-selling trend has a lot to do with china's late decisions. I have also read somwhere that weekends are the time that people are selling their crypto for profit... :-/ What profit???!!! :-D

Let's take a look at NEO as an example:

Our fibonacci tells us that if (AND IT IS A BIG IF) you used the "china-crash" opportunity (because we were talking about it here: )

... by now you would only make 50% gain. Lets be honest here and admit that most of us havent use that moment so the precentage would be even lower. So can we call it smart trading??

NOT! :-)

50% On NEO is a waste! NEO should bring you 10x gain in the long run (If China doesn't ban NEO altogether :-D)... So that brings us to our next point.

Do we believe in cryptocurrencies at all?

Apart from "day-to-day, no-strings-attached, i-dont-care-what-the-platform-is-doing" speculation, do we realy believe that cryptocurrency and blockchain can change the world? Yes, banks and governments are going to try to twist this ingenious, potentialy world changing thing to their own purpouses.

Yes, they are going to try to disencourage us to use them and accept them!

There will be bans.

There will be resistance.
Hey, the Total Market Capitalization fell from to $ in 3 days, yes but...
Will they succeed?


Simply because this technology is too advanced and opens up millions of possibilities! All this bubble-metioning cliche is getting hilariously old every day... Don't fool yourselves; China will not be the only government that will try to disrupt the growth and implementation of blockchain and crypto into our lives. There is more to follow...

Let's just say that all great empires come to an end (Egipt, Rome, France, colonial Britain etc.). Today we have different kind of empire. I call it the empire of capital and its "ism" because it isnt concentrated inside one countryes boundries.

With wider implementation of decentralised technology this empire will come to an abrupt end.

It will be the shortest-living empire yet because of the quickest flow of information yet (In rome messages traveled weeks to reach their destination so it prolonged the development of revolutionary ideas). This flow of information will bring the "new age" because we can now share the ideas all over the world in seconds.

Cryptocurrencies will reach every person in the developed world so let me ask you one question; Do we panic every time sombody (governments and banks) try to disrupt the growth?


Bitcoin's bubble "bursted" so many times that we can't count anymore! :-D

Remember, the establishment usually wants us to do nothing SO, NOW WE CAN GIVE IT TO THEM! ;-)
Don't panic!

Panic was used by people like Rockefeller, Rothschild and the likes to bring this enslaving empire of capital upon us.

So, simply, don't let it happen again... ;-)

Thank you for your time and for upvoting and resteeming this if you liked it!

Be smart and

Steem on!


while 50% may seem small in crypto, have to lock them gainz!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60265.23
ETH 2324.47
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55