Crypto-Charged: Sleepless and Excited Thinking about the Power of Sound Money, and how the State Cannot Stand it


I have a few classes to teach tomorrow, and a Halloween party to dress up for, where I'll hand out candy to all the little kiddies as they come up to me on the little stage and say Trick or Treat! That notwithstanding, here I am, in front of the computer at 3:32 am, having just finished putting a little Bitcoin into my brand new Trezor cold storage device. There's a homescreen preset that shows an image of a bank, and the text reads, in all caps: MY BANK.

I just read an article linked to me by a friend on Facebook today about a Michigan man now facing jail time because he made a decent chunk of money for himself selling Bitcoins via One of my friends commented on the article: "What did he do wrong?" I answered simply that he made some money for himself the state had no part of. They really, really don't like that. Especially when their fiat garbage that they continue to print and inflate cannot hold a candle to something like Bitcoin that actually makes economic sense.

As I sit here with my little Trezor, and marvel at all its little freshly generated addresses, I can't help but think how hard it is going to be for the parasite class to track all this sound money down. What can they do if they do not wish for us to keep our own money? They can beat us. Fine us. Make our lives a living hell. Throw us in a prison. Kill us. This type of behavior certainly does put a damper on things. But you know what? As long as a few individuals around the globe are bold enough to keep their nodes running, and as long as friends and family members have access to paper wallets, little devices like the Trezor, etc, this money is ours.

Blockchain technology is already being co-opted for surveillance purposes. It is best to be wise. Gold is your friend. Just remember, the state took that by force, too, after all their banks collapsed in the what is now known as the "Great Depression." These are all the types of names inane historians give to phenomena that could have been avoided, had sound economics and free markets been allowed to function and thrive. What I am trying to say ultimately is, even if crypto did "fail" at the hands of violent nation states, the idea remains, and is bulletproof and absolutely liberating to the human spirit.

Even if the last crypto advocate is chained to the wall of his jail cell for transacting with a currency not approved by the state, or for not reporting the possession of said currency, or for buying a plant with said currency the state calls "illegal," I still win. You know why? The idea. The idea, the truth, and the reality that money is a symbol of human dignity, and that it is a right idea, and one worth fighting for.

Money says that our time and effort have value. Indeed, that our lives and hard work are worth something. What an insult to your dignity as a miraculous center of consciousness--a human being--when a group of parasitic individuals called "the state" decide that they will siphon this dignity, value time, and effort from you, without your consent. You will start to hate even yourself for putting up with this, at times. They are essentially claiming they own you, and putting their own subjective value on your life.

It is said that taxation and inflation are theft, and this is true, but as my friend Chris says, theft implies a one time event. It is more apt to say that taxation is slavery.

Sometimes we have to pay the mugger in the park to avoid being shot. I get that. There is no shame in this. We all must walk the line we need to. Taxation is the same. The state is threatening violence and demanding your hard-earned value. Sometimes we have to survive and be strategic. That said. Don't EVER forget the reality that the violator is the one with the gun, and not the one being coerced.




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


I recently purchased a Trezor as well! Moving some crypto and securing it on the hardware wallet definitely brings some peace of mind :) We seem to be on similar paths with the Trezor and protonmail...

I like the cut of your jib @kafkanarchy84

I'm finding crypto really hard to get a grasp of. Hardware sounds best. I just learned about Dash wallet with encryption. I like that one and Lisk because of the JavaScript

I like the cut of your jib @kafkanarchy84

Haha. Likewise, @v4vapid!

"My bank" that's great.

Well said! It's hard to put the sound money, gold, crypto, taxation and theft into one neat little article....but you sure nailed it! Great job @kafkanarchy84. Happy Hallowe'en 🤡👹😱😈👽👿

Public sector unions and the politicians that sign contracts with them are the worst imho. No one in the contract represents the "enslaved" taxpayer.

They hand out 20yr pensions and crazy expensive overtime for contribs back from the union. My personal taxable income issues are part of the reason im in a van. But I love being the King of Freedom! Just wasn't my choice back then

Exactly. It’s not consensual. Take away the magical religion called “government” and everyone sees it for what it is: theft and extortion and violence.

While I love the V for Vendetta reference here, our situation isn't as dire as you seem to make it. The state already lost 5 years ago when 1 Bitcoin was worth more than 1 €/$. That was the time when they should have cracked down on everyone just saying Bitcoin.
But they were arrogant and Pandora's box is open now. The Idea of Cryptocurrency is spreading and no one can stop it anymore. Or how do you want to shut down more than 1000 of them?

Also States now are in a bad position. The have to please the crypto crowd so they don't flee their country. Our main focus now should be to take a good look at cryptoheads who join forces with governments and stay as far as possible away from them.

So don't get me wrong, I love your post. And your friend is right: Taxation is slavery.

All true ...thats why i love my bitbeans lol ... It will be interesting to see how the gov tries to place themselves in the transaction chain of the blockchain ... And they will try..

It is already happening, to be fair. It’s been happening for years, people being put into cages or killed for trying to keep their own property. I referenced the man in Michigan, and there are several more.

The state is developing its own blockchains. They will allow it and accept it insofar as they can surveil and control its users.

The Idea of Cryptocurrency is spreading and no one can stop it anymore. Or how do you want to shut down more than 1000 of them?

This is a valid point, and gives me hope!

Interesting. Actually taxation is worse than slavery. At least a slave is set free at times, or is set free by death. Taxpayers are never set free, and their estate is taxed after they die. Good Points you raise in your article. I upvote you.

Good points on your side as well. Fucking depressing, but very true. Yep. Let's subvert this bitch.

In one way or another, I work on it each and every day. I toast, upvote, and follow you.

Great article. Taxation is indeed theft and people look at me strange when I tell them I'm against free healthcare, free education, and other government handouts.

I have to add to that to my list of things I want to use my steemit for in 2018 is to buy some sort of cold storage device for my crypto.

#2 will be to buy some silver.

That which you get for free will always be worth diddly squat!

And I'd rather not have health care thats worth diddly ;)

Especially since I use it

I completed my own edu after the free system failed me!

Upvoted & RESTEEMED :]

Really awesome post. One of the best I've read. I'll most probably share some part of it in a future post or some of the ideas you shared.

Thanks as always, @teamsteem. Much appreciated.

Very good post. Thanks for sharing!

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