When you're trading nowadays | Meme

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


I know I am not the only one who experienced this situation. We all know that moment when we are thinking we are buying in the very best moment...but no...

The market is crushing even harder!


There is a lot of fud around, newbies are scared. It seems news are saying India banned Bitcoin which is funny, cryptocurrencies can't be banned. It seems nowadays mass media still has a lot of power and manipulates a lot of people.

But let me tell you something.

India banned porn websites, but indians still watch porn movies. Noone can control our lives, our actions.



current rank: 26
current price: $4.19
0.00047305 BTC


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Thank you!

Yeah man I’m an Indian and I could strongly tell that India hasn’t banned the crypto but it said that I hasn’t made any decision to legalise it . Media created the false news and let to a FUD . People started panic selling and resulted in the dip . It’s a bit advantage to us because let “all the panic hands be wiped out of the market” . The market would surely dance green in no time .

Thanks. Cool to know India is still in the green zone when it comes to cryptos.
Plus I think when you buy the dip and it keeps dipping just average down your position

Yeah that’s true averaging down the position is a good idea . But the coins may price may increase once the FUD is washed out :)

Thank you so much for giving this useful information in the form of giving link. I was looking for information about cryptocurrency.You don't believe that how much you are useful for us because you are giving us cryptocurrency news every day. I love the way you are sharing your knowledge with us.
That's why I'm coming on your profile again and again. Keep sharing such news with us. :)

how do you predict about cryptocurrency in the coming months

When buy during dip in pursuit of getting some huge profits...your expectations vs reality:

Everyone is concerned about that fact, but not all of them want to say it out loud. I belive it is just a current situation, it is all so low now just so it can grow bigger and better. Thank you for sharing :)

It has happened before.
December 2013, BTC hit about $1150.00. By April 2014, it was $386.00.
And yet, look where it went since then.
Glad we're in Steem, it seems more resistant to sharp market downturns now.

Steem is also dancing right now. Sometimes its 6 dollars and sometimes 4/ 3/5. It will stabilize only when bitcoin stabilizes.

Hahaha I know and probably have shown the same expression:)

I think most of us knew that, but there are rare who really talk about it. I mean... if you go on a drink with a friend, you don't talk about Rothschild and politics. Central banks desperately attempt to create their own Cryptocurrencies as US Dollar crashes

better don't trade these days !

Like Bytecoin huh

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