Top 10 Cryptocurrency Analysis 9-16-18: Bitcoin Is Stabilizing!

Hey guys, there has been some exciting news as more and more institutions are talking about getting in on cryptocurrencies, but the market hasn't reflected that yet which may give us some buy opportunities very soon! Let's see what the status of the market is now...

Note: We will only include the cryptocurrencies that we have full sentiment data for as some of the data is missing from Cryptocompare.

Past Positions:


Date Position Opened - Date Position Closed: Buy Price/Sold Price/Return
3/31/18 - 4/13/18: $0.158231/$0.198448/125%
4/10/18 - 4/13/18: $0.156493/$0.198448/127%

Here is my analysis of the top 10 cryptocurrencies as of 9/3/18
(All chart times are in UTC time, the RSI is based on the closing price of the previous day and the RSI projection is based on current UTC time)


Business Value Ratio

Relative Strength Index

Sentiment Indicator


Currently, the BVR is below the average, the 30-Day average RSI projection is above 50 and rising and the highest sentiment spike was recently. Let's hold our bitcoin for now and wait for the 30-Day average RSI projection to go below 50 or above 70.


Business Value Ratio

Relative Strength Index

Sentiment Indicator


Currently, the BVR is above the average, the 30-Day average RSI projection is below 50 and slightly rising and the largest sentiment spike was over a week ago. Let's wait for the BVR to go below the average, the 30-Day average RSI projection to cross the 50 line and for higher sentiment before buying more Ethereum.

Bitcoin Cash

Business Value Ratio

Relative Strength Index

Sentiment Indicator


Currently, the BVR is below the average, the 30-Day average RSI projection is below 50 and slightly rising and the last sentiment spike was a while ago. Let's wait for the 30-Day average RSI projection to cross the 50 line and for more positive sentiment before buying more Bitcoin Cash.


Business Value Ratio

Relative Strength Index

Sentiment Indicator


Currently, the BVR is below the average, the 30-Day average RSI projection is below 50 and will cross the line soon and the highest sentiment spike was a while ago. Let's wait for the 30-Day average RSI projection to cross the 50 line and for higher sentiment before buying more EOS. This could be a buy opportunity very soon!


Business Value Ratio

Relative Strength Index

Sentiment Indicator


Currently, the BVR is slightly above the average, the 30-Day average RSI projection is below 50 and rising and the highest sentiment spike was a while ago. Let's wait for the BVR to go below the average, the 30-Day average RSI projection to cross the 50 line and for higher sentiment before buying more Litecoin.


Business Value Ratio

Relative Strength Index

Sentiment Indicator


Currently, the BVR is below the average, the 30-Day average RSI projection is above 50 and rising and the highest sentiment spike was a while ago. Let's hold our Monero until the 30-Day average RSI projection is below 50 or above 70.


Business Value Ratio

Relative Strength Index

Sentiment Indicator


Currently, the BVR is below the average, the 30-Day average RSI projection is below 50 and falling slightly and the highest sentiment spike was a while ago. Let's wait for the 30-Day average RSI projection to cross the 50 line and for higher sentiment before buying more Cardano.


Business Value Ratio

Relative Strength Index

Sentiment Indicator


Currently, the BVR is below the average, the 30-Day average RSI projection is below 50 and rising and the highest sentiment spike was a while ago. Let's wait for the 30-Day average RSI projection to cross the 50 line and for higher sentiment before buying more IOTA. This could also be a buy opportunity very soon!

Ethereum Classic

Business Value Ratio

Relative Strength Index

Sentiment Indicator


Currently, the BVR is below the average, the 30-Day average RSI projection is below 50 and stable and the highest sentiment spike was over a week ago. Let's wait for the 30-Day average RSI projection to cross the 50 line and for higher sentiment before buying more Ethereum Classic.


Business Value Ratio

Relative Strength Index

Sentiment Indicator


Currently, the BVR is below the average, the 30-Day average RSI projection is below 50 and about to cross the 50 line and the highest sentiment spike was a while. Let's wait for the 30-Day average RSI projection to cross the 50 line and for more positive sentiment before buying more NEO. This could be a buy opportunity as well pretty soon if sentiment picks up!

Thank you for checking out my cryptocurrency analysis! If there is a buy opportunity this week for one of our three likely candidates this week I will put out an update :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63183.53
ETH 2643.93
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78