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RE: Bitshares and the Bittrex delist - why everyone needs to chill out!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

A quick PSA that Bitshares has had more new releases, adoption, transactions, good news and development happen in the past three months than any other coin in the market - I follow the top 20-30 on CMC religiously. Here's a quick summary:

  1. Bitspark is moving millions of dollars of remittance volume from Bitcoin to the Bitshares DEX because Bitshares is faster, offers smart coins (bitCNY, bitUSD, bitAnyCurrencyInTheWorld) and is scalable to 100,000+ transactions per second (currently does 10,000 tps, upgrade as needed)

  2. Bitshares is a TXSRB clean token and will not be subject to SEC or other government crackdowns (happening right now!)

  3. Bitshares is being used to create the STOKENS exchange for issuing and trading SEC-compliant tokens. Most/all ICOs will be moving to Bitshares instead of Ether in the future as companies are forced to follow the rules set by the SEC and other government/regulatory agencies. Already there are many ICOs happening on Bitshares - Smoke, Kexcoin, Bitspark,, Bondonblockchain, Crypviser, YOYOW from the top of my head - many more on the go!

  4. The Billion HERO Campaign is bringing in huge marketing and media visibility to the Bitshares brand and technology. They are bringing Bitshares tech to governments in the US and the Caribbean, celebrities, public companies and traditional startups

  5. Bitshares will migrate to EOS when EOS launches. Bitshares was built by Dan Larimer, the main developer of EOS. Bitshares has a plan in place to upgrade the Bitshares chain to EOS tech, enabling sub-second block confirmation times and theorectically unlimited transaction speeds (currently BTS can do 100,000 tx/s, EOS will take it to >1,000,000 tx/s)

  6. Bitshares is actively upgrading the exchange user interface and fixing tons of bugs, they are spending over $160,000.00 USD in the next six months to upgrade the exchange to a world class interface

  7. China is shutting down centralized exchanges; the US and other countries will follow soon. SEC has recently filed charges against a US based-ICO and they are using it to build a model to crack down on all the other ICOs. Decentralized exchanges are the future of trading crypto and Bitshares is the No. 1 DEX on the planet by any metric - transactions per second, scalability, security, volume, adoption, speed, number of assets, etc.

  8. Bitshares has been running for over 3 years and has not been hacked

  9. Trading fees are cheap

  10. The community and developers are one of, if not, the best in the world

  11. Private, stealth transactions!!!

  12. Bitshares is the most heavily used chain in the world, routinely exceeding the transaction/operation volume of Bitcoin and Ether combined. Bitshares recently hit 900,000 tx/op in one day and didn't even break a sweat

  13. Bitshares is the longest chain in the world

  14. Bitshares recently released an iOS app for the DEX - first DEX in the world to allow you to trade directly on your iPhone. Apple approves!

Bitshares is currently the most undervalued token on the planet. Why? Why would the crypto with the best tech, fastest transactions, most scalability, biggest DEX, most development and most exciting news be so undervalued?

Here's a hint: Bitshares is designed to put centralized exchanges out of business. Bittrex is delisting on some trumped up technical reason (that has never caused them an issue to date! and doesn't actually exist)... hmmm.

Bitstamp, Bithumb, GDAX, HitBTC, Kraken, Gemini etc. all refuse to list BTS despite it being one of the oldest, most used and highest volume coins on the planet.... hmmm. Seems to be a pattern there that has nothing to do with Bitshares.

People call Bitcoin a honey badger. Bitcoin is a like a pet gerbil compared to Bitshares. Centralized exchanges that misuse customer deposits (to invest for themselves), get hacked and lose customer funds, stop you from withdrawing randomly, go down randomly so you can't trade, charge ridiculous fees, and are generally shady are obsolete and they know it.

Bitshares trade volume is climbing steadily every day. Bitshares adoption is skyrocketing both by individuals and businesses. Bitshares development is chugging away funded by a $100M USD reserve fund. Bitshares has one of the largest, if not the largest, development teams in the world and it is growing every day.

And if you're wondering... hell yes, I bought Bitshares today!


Hi John, appreciate your posts and yours are the reasons I initially got into Bitshares. You're preaching to the converted. However all those great points don't explain why we've had a 90% drop in price over the last 3 months. Nor does it explain where we might be in the next 3 months.

In the chats we're repeatedly told stuff is in the pipeline, the Billion Hero Campaign kicked off 4th July. Does anyone outside of Bitshares even know about it?

Hmmm... well if you look at the past three years Bitshares is up several thousand percent and is following a pattern very similar to Bitcoin, Ether etc. The June pump to $0.40 was random profiteering by centralized exchanges based on zero news, so I wouldn't necessarily connect the price 'drop' from the pump with a lack of performance from Bitshares - quite the opposite, as development has actually accelerated massively in the past six months.

The Billion Hero Campaign has been pretty disappointing to the community and it seems like they got ahead of themselves in hyping way, way before they were anywhere close to producing results that would impact token price in a meaningful way. There is a ton of stuff happening with the BHC but I personally don't see the BHC impacting price until the end of the year.

But the BHC is really not the reason to invest. Bill Butler's UI worker, Bitspark, TXSRB, STOKENS, STEALTH and $100M reserve fund are my fundamental reasons to continue buying/holding. BHC is a moon shot that may or may not get BTS to $330/BTS but I see BTS as a $10-20 coin in the Top 5 on CMC based on adoption, utility, development, scalability and performance track record.

The problem with BTS token price is literally the blacklisting by centralized exchanges. Money can't get into BTS. There is so much shady shit going on with ICOs and pumping shitcoins right now it is sickening. Someone is literally creating money from thin air (ie USDT), listing shitcoins on the exchanges and pumping/dumping them. It is one of the biggest financial frauds in history and you better believe people are going to jail.

When the war drums start beating there will be a stampede to Bitshares - it is already starting. Bitshares is right now working with SEC and other regulators to develop a compliant, regulated exchange for everyone to use safely and legally.

BTS price /= BTS tech. Bitshares is a huge threat to centralized, crooked crony exchanges and they are literally doing everything they can to suppress the price in hopes that Bitshares will just kind of wither away. But the opposite is happening and between the new flood of development/adoption and SEC/regulators filing charges... well, it's a war.

Appreciate your reply. You threw a couple of things in there that I hadn't really given much thought to. The pumping and dumping of vaporware on the centralised exchanges and the banning of decent tokens. I continue to hold and will buy more in due course when I can.

I think this latest blow is compounded more by the fact that it has happened on the back of a 90% slump. Just when you think it can't get any worse. I wonder what the next kick will be.

This latest blow was, more than likely, carefully timed. Makes me wonder about the slump too.

2‍. Bitshares is a TXSRB clean token and will not be subject to SEC or other government crackdowns (happening right now!)

No where do I see the TXSRB explain why a “Fat Protocol” token fails to meet the Howey test.

What is the logic?

3‍. Bitshares is being used to create the STOKENS exchange for issuing and trading SEC-compliant tokens. Most/all ICOs will be moving to Bitshares instead of Ether in the future as companies are forced to follow the rules set by the SEC and other government/regulatory agencies. Already there are many ICOs happening on Bitshares - Smoke, Kexcoin, Bitspark,, Bondonblockchain, Crypviser, YOYOW from the top of my head - many more on the go!

7‍. China is shutting down centralized exchanges; the US and other countries will follow soon. SEC has recently filed charges against a US based-ICO and they are using it to build a model to crack down on all the other ICOs. Decentralized exchanges are the future of trading crypto and Bitshares is the No. 1 DEX on the planet by any metric - transactions per second, scalability, security, volume, adoption, speed, number of assets, etc.

Well there is a likely reason to delist it if an exchange is concerned about securities regulations exposure.

Stokens are the TXSRB’s attempt to subvert nation-state regulations and create a global self-regulated authority, but that does NOT make them SEC-compliant. It makes them a competitor to the SEC’s jurisdiction.

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