The self employment savior. Crafty!

Sup Steem punks and Steem princesses!

Today I want to talk about how the ICO Crafty is going to change the game for freelancers like me.

If you are a freelancer, or own your own business, you already know the difficulties in having to find clients and have them actually trust you. When I first began freelancing I would use any means necessary to try and gain the trust needed for a good business relationship. I am a video editor, so therefore I would obviously show my work in the form of video. This seemed like a good way for me to gain clients. A few problems arise by using this method.
-First off, who is to say I did not steal the video work?

-Second, who is to say that these clients were even satisfied with the work given?

It is simple to see where this can play a valuable role on whether clients decide to hire you over someone else. Crafty is here to help people like us with this exact problem. To explain it best, crafty plans to play the middle man for businesses and their clients in the form of reputation. This will help revolutionize the industry that I work in because we now do not have to worry about proving reputation AND our clients do not have to worry about the quality of work. This will save both parties a ton of grief.

The idea that you can take out having to buy ads or do lengthy marketing is amazing. Yes I said no buying ads or marketing. You are hired based upon your reputation. This brings comfort to a self employed video editor like myself and will definitely bring more comfort to the clients that I work with.
They have a super cool animated video that will explain it all! Check it out:

Owning my own business has challenges and anything to help ease those challenges is something all people like me need. I hope to spread awareness about this to all clients and businesses alike. I am very excited to show you all Crafty and want to thank @originalworks for showing me this as well. This will be apart of the Original works sponsored writing contest. You can check that out by clicking the link below:

If you want to see more information about Crafty check out there website by clicking Here



Good post!! you shared your experience in a good way.

Thanks! I appreciate that!

If You Follow Upvote comment And Resteem me I Will Do Same

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