El centro comercial más grande de Venezuela será el primero en adoptar criptomonedas

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

The shopping center Parque Los Aviadores, in a project in conjunction with OnixCoin, is looking for more than 400 locations to adopt cryptocurrencies as payment methods. They will start giving educational talks and will have a ticket office exchange between Onix and bolivars.


The shopping center "Parque Los Aviadores" is located in Maracay, Aragua state, and consists of more than 400 stores. With an area of ​​203,000 m2 of construction, it has been known, since its inauguration in 2012, as the largest commercial center in Venezuela.

In an alliance with OnixCoin, a Venezuelan cryptocurrency, the C.C. Parque Los Aviadores plans to become the first commercial center to adopt cryptocurrencies in a massive way as a payment method in the country. The goal of the project is for all commercial establishments to accept OnixCoin, and other digital currencies. They also plan to become a center to promote culture in this technology.

"The shopping center is becoming an information center about cryptocurrencies," said Angel Salazar, director of OnixCoin, in an exclusive interview for DiarioBitcoin.

The project intends not only to adopt the cryptocurrencies from the commercial area, but also to go further, with proposals such as the internal rental payments of the shopping center premises to be made in this type of change. The promotion of talks to educate the population about this technology and its uses is also studied.

A project that stands out is the installation of a "ticket office" for the electronic exchange between Onix and the bolivar, the local currency of the country. A plan that is viable, because there is already the necessary technology to carry it out, assures the CEO of OnixCoin.


"The exchange ticket office (Bs./Onix) would have a double function: First, people will ask what it is, how it is used, etc., so the change box will additionally serve, at the beginning, as an informative module", commented Francisco Padilla, director of the Shopping Center.

In addition, Padilla also advanced to DiarioBitcoin other ideas that are still under discussion. In order to make the mall a specialized center in cryptocurrencies, one of the proposals is to encourage discounts on payments made in digital currencies. Additionally, the creation of exclusive weekends where all sales will be made in cryptocurrencies is counted.

The director was enthusiastic when talking about the project, assuring that the experience to date has been very positive. "Since the first information was made public, everyone is calling me," he emphasizes, and predicts that the incorporation of cryptocurrencies will be well received and beneficial for both merchants and the general public.

Waiting for authorizations
One of the reasons that prompted members of the board of directors of the shopping center to begin materializing the project was the opportunity to provide solutions to the tenants and the general public at the time of making the payments.

In Los Aviadores, there are already a few businesses that accept cryptocurrencies as payment methods in their stores, as confirmed by the director, who also stressed that they are in the process of waiting for the legalization and issuance of the regulations of the relevant mechanisms. "A document has already been sent to SENIAT to establish what the legality will be in terms of regulating the use of cryptocurrencies as payment methods," he added.

In this line added that the project arises from the government announced policies on cryptocurrencies. Therefore, Padilla expects that SENIAT regulations (the tax service) will be given quickly so that in this way more businesses will start implementing these instruments as alternative ways of receiving payments.

Educate tenants
On the other hand, the director of the shopping center estimates that the massive implementation project of cryptocurrencies could take a year or more "especially for franchises and other international businesses." At the same time, it considers that it is a task that must start with the education of the owners of the businesses on the subject.

"Most of the tenants have intention but they lack the knowledge", commented in the same line. On this subject, he added that he perceives a lot of interest from the general population regarding the use of cryptocurrencies, therefore, in a "first facet" of the project, the intention is to inform. The talks, which will be in charge of the Onix team, will take place in two modalities: small talks addressed to the tenants, and longer-range talks addressed to the public in general.

Both Angel Salazar, representative of Onix, and Francisco Padilla, director of the shopping center, highlight that Los Aviadores, by offering spaces of "luxury", is a very attractive place to gather guilds from different adjacent states. "Public of Maracay, Valencia and Caracas are living in this commercial center", which for them is useful for the implementation of a project of such magnitude.

The project of the shopping center, which is carried out by hand with the OnixCoin team, aims to promote the culture of cryptocurrencies and their uses, highlighting and promoting the use of Onix as the main platform, technological and informative, and in this sense, they seek position that coin of national creation.

Angel Salazar, CEO of OnixCoin, confirmed that the plan is part of the "Building a crypto-country" project. He added that the team is working on perfecting the cryptocurrency. Currently they are making a directory of all the businesses that use the Venezuelan currency: they estimate that around a hundred businesses in the country are using it.


Bien interesante esto que comentas en tu publicación. No tenía idea de que ya estaban llevando a cabo esta iniciativa. De cualquier forma es una opción al momento del pago.

Si totalmente, esperemos administren correctamente las cosas para que funcione de la mejor manera. Gracias por comentar ya te sigo.

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