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RE: HODLer Alert! Goldman Sachs announces Megabucks Investment into the Cryptosphere!!

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Howdy sir roleerob! I so agree with you that institutional money is going to come in soon and this is such an excellent post in every way! great job.


Good evening @janton! Thanks for stopping by and reading this.

I hope you are encouraged as I am that the "sun will come out again" in the not too distant future. This is one of a number of indicators "out there" in the big, wide world.

For me, it's a matter of when, not if ... 👍

yes sir I agree and there are many big hedge groups and companies getting ready to put money in isn't there? It's been a long time since I've read up on the crypto market. Hey do you know anything about the government's crypto, the Fedcoin?

I thought that was just a theory and then the other day someone said they already came out with it.
Thanks for getting back with me so fast, you're on top of things tonight!

Nope, @janton ...

"Hey do you know anything about the government's crypto, the Fedcoin?"

Never heard of it ... Sorry!

rats! now I gotta do research on my own! lol.
Well some people figured they would force everyone from the dollar to their crypto but I don't know what they're doing with it.

All I know is that the feds don't want to lose control of the money supply, or maybe I should say the central banks or federal reserve.

I think that is a question the world over @janton. What are the almighty States going to do about the threat posed by the various cryptos? There have already been attempts to stop them, jail those found with them, etc.

So far, those attempts have failed to stop the "advance" of the cryptosphere.

My own concern has more to do with the power of the State to tax. It is a big deal to ensure we are adequately tracking these investments and a big decision, once done, to calculate the taxes owed. And then, of course, whether or not you report honestly and accurately ...

howdy roleerob! well that tax question is a good one. I trust you will be doing a lot of research and then tell us what you find out in a post? lol.

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