Bunny Token - Adult Industry

The adult industry is one of the most money moving around the world and the developers of this project know this.
Bunny offers: Total transparency, anonymity to pay adult movies and erotic toys, etc ... The favor of the industry can have it very quickly for all the profits that can be.

It is based on ERC20 and Q3 of 2018 will make an airdrop for all those who have tokens. I think there is another of this type called OKOIN that can also be a bombshell.
Total Suply: 1,000,000,000 Tokens.

I am really interest with bunnytoken. I will keep support bunny token until it "go to the moon" ^^ .
I beleive bunny token will grow big.
The idea of Adult Industry Token is so amazing !
I agree, it's in an industry with a lot of income and a lot of profits.
Don't be too quick to invest. Its a pretty obvious scam. They're staff aren't real people and their address is a retail unit in a shopping mall in the seychelles used by a company that specialises in setting up offshore companies.