
Hey there Steemers, today I am going to be talking about Burstcoin. This coin uses the PoC (Proof of Capacity) algorithm to obtain the coin. It is very eco-friendly and uses significantly less electricity than Bitcoin mining consumes. In order to mine, you need some free Hard Drive space. My full guide on how to mine can be found here: https://steemit.com/burst/@jackmanmania/how-to-mine-burst-coin

What is meant by PoC (Proof of Capacity)?

When a miner wants to mine Burst, they go through a progress called plotting. This involves the miner generating chunks of data, called nonces, and saving them to a Hard Drive. The more plots you have, means the faster your deadlines for the block should be. When a block comes, your CPU or GPU (deciding on what you want to use) will scan through these plots and find deadlines for that block. You typically want low deadlines and fast scanning (read) speeds.

If I have more Hard Drives, does that mean I will earn more Burst?

The simple answer is yes. The higher capacity drives you have, the more nonces/plots you can fit on them. If you want to find how much space you would need for specific pools, you can see that here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KHu9BWwy_QXIYAx2m_Tzs9BqPoTYUDhEDbHihZEXGsE/edit?usp=sharing

You can also calculate your earnings each month by using the Burst Calculator. For example, the standard 1TB Hard Drive will earn you:

  • 77 Burst Per Day
  • 540 Burst Per Week
  • 2316 Burst Per Month

Thanks for reading this post! Please upvote/follow, as it helps me out! Bye :)


1 burstcoin = 0,0005 USD?

At the moment I believe so.

Can I make an account and work on Mac?

I dont believe there is a Client for Mac at the moment.

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SBD 2.49