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RE: September 2013 Digital Time Capsule: Bitcoin Tweets from @lukestokes

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

I try not to think about my "what if" moments of life, it would be rather depressing, but at the time I couldn't get my head round it and I am far from being computer literate. But I have always kept an eye out on the crypto/blockchain space. Basically observing user acceptance rates steadily going up. Even when the media bashes it, it still increases coverage to potential users and constantly reminding them too.

I am also a firm believer that one or two cryptos will dominate the space. This happens time and time again, you have a front runner that breaks out to the world and then a perfected version grows and dominates. Then we haven't even touched what blockchain applications are going to evolve from this. Steemit is a glaringly obvious example of an application that has perfected upon an "established" program.

I ask people all the time if they have heard of this sector. I start with asking if they have heard of bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain and sometimes distributed ledgers if they know their stuff. My feeling is more and more people are talking about it. This is definitely not the case of where I am based in Peru. Even mentioning bitcoin comes with glazed looks of blankness, but then I ask "imagine a type of facebook that rewards you to post, like, comment and share" and immediate reactions where does this exist? oh yes just followed and autovote you. It isn't much now but appreciate how you have helped me and I thank you for that.



Thanks for commenting!

I'm not convinced some will dominate others (though that is what usually happens with the network effect power of currency). My reasoning comes from this lecture which describes competing currencies becominga form of expression, like language:

Steemit has dominance right now because the STEEM developers are still centralized within Steemit, inc. I hope this becomes more decentralized in the future once the foundations are set. Adding more decentralization at this point might just slow things down.

I love how Steemit is a killer app for cryptocurrency mass adoption. People get it. It's the onramp people need. If you find people wanting to know more about cryptocurrency, maybe send them to and let me know if that helps them.

Oh wow you are quite fluid on your videos and easy to watch. Thanks for the links, watch a ton of videos. Like you, in my case a few years ago, I dedicated a lot of my time to learn about money and it's role in societies. At the time my conclusion was to store wealth in precious metals and take it out of the financial system. From then on I have slept better at night and don't stress about "money" no way near as much.

Only in the last three months, since joining steemit and earning my Steem/SbD (I haven't invested a cent in cryptos) do I see the potential blockchain and how it is here to stay. I wanted in before there is a stampede. In the first weeks of posting here, I needed to validate in my mind that this was "real". I found a user called @pit-bullion and he trades me silver for steem. It was unreal and it blew me away honestly. This is where I saw the growing potential of trading for goods and services on this platform. Lots of users who offer services in the physical world, I have noticed are willing to trade their time for steem. I know lots of people in the village who I could potentially trade my steem with, like the: local surf photographers, restaurants, artists for their artwork and I would even trade my home baked bread for it. But in order for this to happen I going to have raise awareness and educate. Basically starting with basics of whats is crypto/blockchain tech. If I threw them into steemit straight away, I fear they would be so lost (not all, but generally speaking). Do you have Spanish versions (sub-titled) of your tutorial videos? I am onto EOS too :)

No, no Spanish versions. That would be interesting though. Maybe I should ask my wife to translate them for me, though her Spanish is probably a little rusty for something like that.

I hope some day to provide as much value as Andreas Antonopolous. His stuff is fantastic.

It would be super helpful to raise awareness in Latin America and I am sure there would be loads of people willing to translate or interpret your posts/vlogs. Have you thought about doing a (spanish version), (Brazil) or (french) seperate pages and dedicated in those languages. You would cover latin america and most of Africa then. more work for sure, namely logistics and management but you would vastly increase your audience.

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