Enter Elementh: E-commerce Evolution

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I was sitting at my home computer checking a few things online, reading the news, pretty much minding my own business when suddenly my doorbell rang.

It was my friend, Bill. He oftentimes shows up unannounced and uninvited, which is totally fine. I do occasionally enjoy some company from time to time.

I get up from my desk and answer the door. "Bill, how ya been?"

"Great!" He answers, "I brought a bag of chips and some Dr. Pepper. Wondering if you've got time to chat today?"

His ol' lady probably kicked him out of the house for his lack of current employment, again.

"So..." Bill continues, "I've been hearing a lot about cryptocurrencies these days and feel like I've been missing out. You've got some knowledge and experience here. What would you recommend for a guy like me to get started?"

I looked at my friend, grabbed his bag of chips, opened them, and started crunching cheese flavored chips by the handful.

"Maybe get a job like your wife told you to do months ago!" I roared with seemingly uncontrollable laughter.

"Yeah yeah, yolk it up." he replies. "Seriously man, that isn't helpful."

"I know. But it's funny, for me at least. Besides, you know I don't like to give advice to friends due to the slim and almost nonexistent chance of me being incorrect."

"Okay, fair enough." He agreed. "Let me ask you this. Let's say you met your younger, ambitious self, and he told you he was interested in blockchain technology and crypto. What would you say to him?"

Clever. Bill always had a way of rephrasing questions to get the answer he was seeking and never took the word 'no' seriously.

"Alright, younger self..." I looked at Bill dead in the eyes and replied, "You are about to embark on a series of expensive lessons!"

After a moderate but fair amount of more laughter, and half a bag of chips, I decided I could say more.

"Well, my friend... The thing you should be focusing on is the underlying fundamental values of a company, and a token with utilization capabilities."

Introducing Elementh

Perhaps a simplified way to describe Elementh would be blockchain control for e-commerce.

Many businesses today suffer from a lack of iron grip control over their products and services. There are things like logistics, inventory, and other non marketing components for operating a business that are just a plain hassle and not that much fun doing. By utilizing Elementh blockchain technology, a merchant can be in complete control over business details like:

- Product quality

- Shipment arrival dates

- Product quantity

- Product destination

- And more

Elementh streamlines the operation optimizations of e-commerce business so the owner can focus more on money making methods like marketing.

DAPP Integration

The Elementh platform contains a programming language which will allow developers to create and utilize unlimited DAPPs. And the Elementh token (EEE) powers these DAPPs, not unlike the Ethereum token (ETH) powers the Ethereum network.

A Real World Example:

Jeff is selling bottles of floor cleaning soap to neighborhood kids out of the trunk of his car.

His aspirations become much higher. He spends much of his time dreaming of that sweet, magic internet money he could be making selling those same bottles of soap online.

Here's where Elementh saves the day!

Jeff sets up his online store in a matter of minutes. His stock balance syncs through his accounting software, and Jeff's soap bottle inventory is accounted for and made available on the Elementh network.

In a small suburban home, some 1500 miles away Lisa logs onto the Elementh network. She has four rotten kids who spilled a bunch of chocolate milk all over the living room floor and she needs some floor cleaning soap - and quick!

She finds Jeff's trunk soap for floors and places an economy sized order. And she's fine. She doesn't need to trust this Jeff character she's never met to deliver her floor soap. Her money is safely locked in a smart contract until Jeff's company delivers on their promise.

You can learn more about the exciting world of Elementh and blockchain e-commerce here...




Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.16
JST 0.028
BTC 60732.06
ETH 2345.63
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46