
nice comment and question asking for his plans for his btc @immarojas
are you also a big investor in the crypto world?

I'm probably the tiniest fish in the world of no, not a big investor. But I will be if am loaded.

great...well you not tinier than me though ;)
maybe steemit will pus us forward! what areas do you blog on?

Mostly about health, art, photography, travel and anything ordinary that interests me. Need to update my status :)

great...update me once you do...i will also blog on health...
you may read up my last post few days ago on alternative home remedies to ar problem
comment your own suggestions

health is cool!! ear problems? heart problems i know some stuff :)

great! we can support one another's health post
did you read up mine...? need to get your comment

Bitcoin Core :)

Go with the big brother of the two! :)

Seriously..i will sleep on it, maybe i will be able to understand it later ;)

Two camps: Bitcoin Core/Bitcoin Unlimited. Happy snores @immarojas :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 68152.98
ETH 3536.22
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.86