Man Who Looks Like Thumb Converts to ReddCoin

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

After the paramilitary left my town, the local newspaper published an article that I am reproducing here in part:

A local man closely resembling a thumb, recently converted all of his money into Reddcoin.

Photograph of a Completely Unrelated Person Who also Closely Resembles or is Actually Just a Thumb

Reddcoin, a cryptocurrency rarely used by anyone ever on no social media platforms, recently skyrocketed to slightly higher than two whole pennies per every one Reddcoin.

When asked about the development progress of Reddcoin, its main backer, a very legitimate twitter personality and highly respected investor, “ReddCoinYourMomWhale” stated that “ReddCoin hopes to continue targeting the ever-growing market of young, upwardly mobile professionals who also happen to closely resemble a thumb.”

Archived Photograph of Nuclear Family of Thumb Head Person Guy

A white paper on ReddCoin published by local cryptocurrency research firm, “BuyCoinsToMakeRichNowPlease.flarp” failed to mention the expanding investor base of thumb shaped people.

However, the paper did include a bullet point in its executive summary stating that, “If ReddCoin for money now invest a soon immediate millions now soon, perfect for America everyone get rich perfect money now wealth so.”


Representative Sample of Previous Marketing Campaigns by Author of White Paper

The man who appears to possibly be a photoshopped thumb or a man who also happens to look exactly like only the thumb portion of an entire person, was unavailable for comment.

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i couldn't read after the picture. my eyes were filled with too many tears from laughing. i'll go back and read later LOLOL but i voted (with my pat on the back since its 23 days ago) oh my gosh. i can't breathe.

ok i can breathe now. read it - the rest of it was just as hilarious.

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