Why I'm HODLing TenX?steemCreated with Sketch.

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Why I'm HODLing TenX for the long run and will get upto $2,000.00 in passive income every month. Yes I've invested much in it and also believe in the product.

For people that have no clue what TenX is, it's pretty much a debit card that can spend Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, and more anywhere you like. YES, you can walk into Walmart and buy anything.
By you HODLing TenX coins you would get a reward. 0.5% of total spent will be evenly distributed to all token holders.

Wrap that around your head for a second...

You will get passive income for just HODLing TenX coins. Imagine when massive adoption kicks in on TenX. You'll get free money 💰 every month for nothing. TenX's end game is to reduce it from monthly, weekly, and into daily free money for people that HODL their share of coins. You would never have to work again in your life. It's like winning the lottery.

Did I mention that you get 0.1% back on all purchase? 😱

Yes you will....Goodmorning and have a blessed day.


TENX has a great technology I hope they will be the top leader!!!

Sure! their technology is amazing, built on etheruem blockchain

you need to see this the reward you are getting for holding Tenx as a sort of dividend. currently on average 3% is a number you can expect in shares, so i would expect a similar amount in this. That would mean that in order to get this dividend almost 5 bln USD worth needs to be traded. I will write a detailed post on this soon, but you should take that into account i think when investing in Tenx or any token that promises return on investment. cheers.

Noted! Thanks for your observation...

do you think this is sustainable in the long run? how could they afford to just give away free money for so long?

I think it will be sustainable because they would have done their calculation before implementating it... Waves platform also gives out incentives for hodling.

Hi - i just created a post on the profitability of the crypto debit card tokens. Would love to see/hear your reaction: https://steemit.com/creative/@attalis/are-crypto-debit-card-tokens-worth-investing-in-yet

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