Don't Fall for Crypto Click Bait!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


This is the type of posts you read all over the internet... Pure speculation. Allow me one question.

Why did you click on this post?

Was it due to you thinking that I had some type of inside information about Bitcoins or the Winkelvoss Twins? Nope. This is how click bait gets you. I never mentioned the Winkelvoss twins but it sounded like I was getting ready to talk about them. For all you know, I was referring to Rip Van Winkel and his brother Frank.

I will dive into the topic of click bait in this report.

Some of the things I will touch upon are:

  1. How all these shit coins rope you in
  2. Why Most ICO's are crap
  3. How many cryptos on Coin Market Cap are outright scams?
  4. What does this mean for the market?

How Many Shit Coins are there?

Last week, I dove in and did what i didn't see others doing. I investigated every single crypto on coin market cap... All 1,500 of them. I wanted to find out if any company was legit or not. I had heard all the rumors about how the entire crypto market is going down.

What I found shocked me to the core! I learned stuff that I will share with you, over the course of time. This stuff really amazed me and showed that this market is not going away for a long long time... if ever. There is so much opportunity and this will be the largest wealth transfer in history.

To begin painting the picture, however, we need to talk about what's wrong with this industry. There are a lot of crappy companies out there. Many scams are happening as we speak, as well. You have to be very careful.

Out of the 1,500 Cryptos I researched on Coin Market Cap, I estimate that half of them will eventually fail. This is not a bad thing. It is just an unregulated thing that no one talks about. If half of them fail, the rest should do well. In essence, I estimate that these half that will become junk are similar to any new asset in any new market. It happens.

No matter what new market that pops up in the future, we will have scammers and stupid companies that do not need to be operating. The market will eventually sort them out and then they will go away.

You can't make a Crypto 'Go Away'.

Due to the decentralized nature of cryptos, they will not cease to exist. You can't actually kill some of them. They are distributed across thousands or millions of computers and to actually make them disappear, you would have to shut down and uninstall this software on every computer simultaneously. Sorry but it ain't gonna happen.

No government or entity can stop this crypto train. It is impossible without an EMP burst and I don't think government leaders want their families to go without internet or cable TV so this i highly unlikely.

The shit coins will die out so much, however, that only a select few traders will want to mess with them.

How do Shit Coins Suck you in?

Fancy Marketing. That's all. They have no intention of creating anything of value. They create something that looks good or maybe not. People just keep falling for it over and over.

Where's the proof?

Below, I have compiled just a handful of screenshots just to prove a point. The pictures here are only about 10% of similar content on Coin Market Cap. I would click on a coin, check their website, and see what came up. Here are some sample of the worst. I will add my commentary on them as well.

One thing we have to remember is that in order for a coin to make it, they have to:

  1. Have a usable product that is different than other products
  2. Have a working website
  3. Be distributed
  4. Just work

Its February. Where are you?

What does this have to do with money?

Some coins don't even have a website. This one send you to google. lol

Can you not even make a custom URL?

No website here!

or here!

Are you seeing the trend here?

So i challenge you. go to and look up some of the cheapest coins. Scan through about 30 of the cheapest ones. You will be surprised. a few will be legit and then the others... well, you tell me what you find. Like my reports

No website again.

Haha Really?

These guys made a wix account but were too lazy to do anything with it.

These dudes will admit they don't care.

Whatever... This is stupid and you know it.


Um Yeah I wanna buy a PUT. Bwahaha They must not trade.

Wait! Didn't we see something similar with a different company above?

Another Non Site


And Another...

How about some Devil Coins? What a joke!

Or some anarchy coins?

I call Scam City!!!

They must have forgotten...

They tell you NOT to buy this! lol

Another broken site again...

Here's one.

These guys have a problem... don't know what it is...want you to fix it for them...and oh yeah also keep buying their coins.

They are not paying attention.

What does this have to do with anything? Why cant Bitcoin, Litecoin, Stellar, or any other coin work?

Always Do Evil!!!!!

Wanna get some action, do ya?

I don't even know. Paste a pretty girl and hope they buy, maybe?

Frikken Unicorn Dream!

If it's decentralized, then what does it matter?

Yay! Aliens!

Really? Trump Coin? This has NOTHING to do with cryptos! SMH

These guys don't even worry about putting together a website.

Screw Dogecoin! We will create a cat! Suuuuurrreee....

A bleepity bleep coin about Garlic?

Yep These paintings have something to do with crypto... NOT



Dear Lord.


Doge is already lite. How lite can it go?

How about APE coin or Elephant Coin?

Hang Ten? Hang Ten for what?

Welcome to the Feature!!!!

Wanna buy a crypto website for $3,500?

I am sick of writing now.






Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📉 24h📉 7d
PUTProfile Utility Token0.688$-31.61%-73.15%

thank you robot. the PUT is down 73%. Whew!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63493.34
ETH 2578.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.79