Augmented Reality: Good or Bad? Interview with Lucyd

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

lucyd image.jpg

0:00-01:25 First, I’d like you to tell us a bit about yourself and your position at Lucyd.

01:25-02:50 What is Lucyd, and what was the motivation for it’s creation?

02:50-04:10 Participants in the ICO will receive the beta version glasses to test out.

04:10- 05:00 What is the benefit of the LCD token?

05:00- 06:05 How much will the Lucyd smartglass cost?

06:05- 07:50 Who is the team behind these smart glasses?

07:50- 08:55 How will Lucyd compete with existing smartglasses?

08:55- 10:05 What is one application that you think is really exciting and innovative, that has the potential to change lives?

10:05- 12:20 How will a user interact and actually use the glasses? (using buttons? by blinking?)

12:20- 13:50 How will the information of the users be connected to the blockchain?

13:50- 16:35 One thing that I can’t ignore is how these smart glasses will be equipped with a camera, will there be security features implemented to ensure that users privacy is honored?

16:35- 18:45 What kind of impact do you see these glasses having on the individuals who use them? Positive and negative?

18:45- 20:20 Who is your target audience?

20:20- 22:35 What do you see are the health repercussions for this new tech?

22:35- End Where can they expect to get updates on the progress of the project?

Additional Info/ Links:

Lucyd Website
Lucyd Telegram
How Lucyd Will Have Cheap Transactions
Other AR Smartglasses


On a product release like this I always wonder what is the token about ?

  • is it shares in the company ?
  • will the tokens be burned at some stage or will the tokens be generated inflationary in some shape or form ?

I just don't get what is the new crypto currency's role in a product release like such.

Thank you for the great interview, love the prospect of seeing this on the market.

Surely, there will be many people who will race to get these devices as soon as they become available to the masses, regardless of the privacy invasion, or other implications, or consequences. Each person will have to take even more caution and responsibility for his/her own actions and words.

Lucyd really looking interesting but still have to do some deeper research into it. Thanks

i think censorship resisten internet is more important now, than the augmented reality. And we havent really workable solutions for quick implementation of cryptocurrencies at point of sale.

And the sad thing for Germans: we do not even have BTC atms... :'(

I'm sorry I'm not on the topic. I found such a thing and entered my nickname. I know my social status on steemit.
How much do you need STEEM POWER

  1. small fish
  2. fish
  3. dolphin
    I'm new to the platform, I'm just learning. If you can give an answer.

Augmented Reality: Good or Evil?

Money itself is both good and evil.

Thanks for providing great content again Heidi!

I have some thoughts regarding your interview questions that I want to share:

<<One thing that I can’t ignore is how these smart glasses will be equipped with a camera, will there be security features implemented to ensure that users privacy is honored?>>

Who cares about the users privacy? I feel like in this field it is way more important to keep the privacy of everyone around the user. Many of us already are not comfortable with all these smartphone cameras around us. You'll never know when someone takes a picture or even a video of you. A device that is constantly collecting and comparing data trough a camera seems dystopic then don't you think?

<<What kind of impact do you see these glasses having on the individuals who use them? Positive and negative?>>

Here my concerns are again in regards of the impact on the surrounding people, not the user. You might get the feeling of being watched all the time.

Am I the only one with concerns like this? Can you relate? I am open for discussion or just reading new ideas regarding this topic.

Thanks for starting this discussion, I'd love to explore these thoughts more with you and others.

There's many concerns when it comes to wearing a device that is capable of recording and it is discreet looking. Perhaps I need to better explain my question as I think it's also something important to consider.

Imagine any photo or video you record on your device is then sent to a blockchain. Where it can never be deleted. I'd imagine you'd also be concerned about the security for that data. In an age where privacy is pretty much nonexistent, adding to that the risk of your very personal information and experiences being stored indefinitely, my concern is that the security of that information would be equally immutable.

I agree with you 100%. This was the issue with Google Glass. It was recording everyone all the time which is an invasion of privacy and a real turn off too. And he didn't have an answer to that he said that it will only be an issue in the early days I completely disagree. who is going to let you record them all of the time? These glasses will not work with a camera. @heiditravels what are your thoughts please?

My guess is that these companies wont ever be succesful until there are laws and regulations. Until then the nerds will love the technology and the public will refuse to adopt it in their lifes.

I think you are right. $2000 for vr glasses. I do not see that becoming successful.

@heiditravels This interview is really educative and knowledgeable for everyone. LCD token will be great in coming days and I hope it change the future.Only four days Left for LCD token sale to buy.This interview gives lots information about Lucyd
Thank you.

Yes, it sure will. VR is only progressing faster and faster. It wont be long until we have lens we can implant into your eyes for AR to take off.

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