Lisk BOOM! Top crypto to buy NOW --LSK.

Lisk prepares to murder Ethereum

Lisk is unhackable, auditable and private. It runs off of JavaScript

So I posted a Haiku 4 days ago about buying Lisk cryptocurrency (LSK)
If you're watching lsk at all, you would see the huge gains it's been making recently
When I got some it was at $4.90 and today it is at $10... that's a 106% gain
I (more than) doubled my profit in less than one week!

*This is not financial advice, this is just my own opinion and experience with this coin

Still hoping to do a crypto meetup on Big Island @hustletoparadise
Anyone who is interested please contact me 😊

Go do some research!

Check out the Lisk website for more details, below is pasted from Lisks FAQ, "What makes the Lisk platform different?"

Lisk is more than just developer tools. It’s an opportunity to become part of the biggest technological innovation since the Internet. Lisk aims to make Blockchain technology more accessible with an SDK written in JavaScript, special focus on user experience, developer support and in-depth documentation.

The Lisk Foundation set itself the goal to inspire and educate entrepreneurs and developers alike. The ultimate goal is to bring talent into the Blockchain industry by enabling developers to build the decentralized future with our SDK. Hereby, we will provide an easy entry to take people from the idea to the product.

Most alternative solutions are either single Blockchain based or are tailored for private Blockchains. Lisk strives to offer the best of both worlds. The Lisk mainchain offers stability and security while sidechains are utilized to have unlimited flexibility. This way, Lisk offers developers an environment where they have full control to create their own Blockchain network as a sidechain but don’t have to confront the complexity of creating a Blockchain network from scratch.

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