Ethereum vs Bitcoin explained by.... CNBC???


Who would've thought that CNBC of all the media outlets would be doing an animation about Ethereum and Bitcoin?

I am super skeptical of The Mainstream Media to say the least and CNBC is like the poster child of these media outlets.

This animation which although not revealing much new information to any of us, is actually quite well put together and manages to convey to the layman in an entertaining and concise fashion what these two cryptos are, all in around two minutes. Pretty cool actually!

If you're anything like me, you're looking for an answer to the question - WHY?

As a legacy media institution surely this hurts their chosen narrative? They would otherwise have you believe that the dollar, being the world reserve currency is infallible and almighty, though we know that through quantative easing and mass printing, the currency is headed towards hyper inflation. Why then even cover something like this let alone commission an animation explaining the topic for those who didn't know?

I have to say, its rather baffling albeit a welcome departure from CNBC.

What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear from you in the comments and if you like this content please consider upvoting and resteeming!

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Ethereum's blocks are more complex therefor bigger, which leads to bigger scaling issues. They also forgot to mention that Ethereum doesn't have a cap on the amount of tokens. And that bitcoin mostly serves as a store of value as it is caped at 21 million.

Indeed @eviljedi, I've just gone back and rewatched it and realized how heavily in favor of Ethereum it is without mentioning any of its downside. Left you an upvote and a follow :)

Thanks for posting this @hattorihanzo! I'm dong my best to understand cryptocurrency and even trying to figure out how to explain it to someone. I'm going to share this with my friends.

Hey @ekpickle! I'm glad you like you got something out of it, crypto is a game changer and we're very lucky to be a part of this movement in our lifetimes in my opinion. I am always learning and trying to share that knowledge with others as others have shared it with me. Thanks for your feedback, I've upvoted + followed you :)

Very interesting, I cant watch the animation at the moment as I'm at work, but interested to know which "side" they were on, the main stream media these days do nothing without hidden Agendas so I'm betting that the video leans more towards Ethereum being the all mighty currency of the future, and I only say this becuase of the interest Ethereum has been driving amongst the global elite, this is just another way they could "inform" the public of easy investments which will boost their major investments so when they decide to pull out they have found a new way to steal from the public.

But maybe that's just me, I can smell those dirty bankers every time I look at the Ethereum market movements. lol

Hey @satoshimoto! Funny since reading your comment I've gone back and watched it again and it certainly does lean more in favor of Ethereum! I find it interesting that they're comparing them as currencies, then in the same breath say that Ether is better because of smart contracts and the fact that big institutional money is backing it. What they fail to mention is that these two cryptos were never meant to be competing for the same space, each has their strength and use case. Bitcoin for ultra-safe store of value and transactions, and Ether as a platform for decentralized internet and Dapps based on its blockchain. Its a little misleading pitting the one against the other as they're designed for different purposes.

Its not just you :)
I think you've just made me realize its quite subtly suggesting Ether is superior to Bitcoin. Ha! fuckers...
Upvoted + following you :)

Man! Now you have me intrigued, I've saved your post for later viewing, these guys are so predictable, I have a friend who invested in Ethereum when it was around £5 a coin, and he swears by it, I've obviously been fighting the urge to invest just because doing my own research has led me to believe there just isn't any real value behind this coin, smart contracts are great but I dont think the tech is strong enough to stand on its own, and as I've said earlier, the dodgy characters who were against bitcoin all of the sudden are praising ethereum like its the answer to all our problems, That just screams "STAY DA F*CK AWAY!" to me!

I've checked out some of your other blogs, I like the subjects you cover and your writing so I'm returning the follow, nice post mate.

I hear you, I think my first post here was about how I don't understand or trust Ethereum lol. I've since caved and invested a bit, mainly FOMO. Bitcoin is where my hearts at though.

Hey, thanks man :)

I've been trying to read the book Mastering Bitcoin for details. Hopefully that should help me out in terms of what's going on under the rug lol

Nice to see crypto growing to such a wide market!

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