The Notebook


Just a friendly reminder.
As the bull market slides on back this fall.

Maintain an offline crypto journal. Preferably at least two copies in different locations in case of fire or other natural disasters.

This safeguards your accounts and wallets in case of electronic failure. But also in the event of your untimely demise, your loved ones will be able to access your crypto stack.

I include in mine detailed instructions so my wife can access my stack. She is not that crypto savvy. And hopefully some lawyer won’t take advantage of them after I’m gone.

You have prepared meticulously for the future by investing in crypto. Make sure your stack stays accessible to someone you trust.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Carry On, HM


Always good advice. Whenever I hear stories of people losing crypto I always think, how dumb of them. Then recently I was horrified to remember I did a factory reset on my computer and hadn't thought about my NEO wallet on my computer. I forget the specifics but I had my key phrase but I also needed like a json file or something like that. Spent all day thinking I'd lost my money. Later that night got home and was able to find that file on a zip drive but gave me a close call.

One other thing I'd stress for unorganized people like myself. It's important to not only save this info but also store it somewhere you wont forget it

That is sound, reasonable advice. I have some scribbling to do....;)

In our high tech world of crypto don't forget to do a little analog backup.

Thanks for the comment homie.

Np, thx for the advice!

Great advice! Everyone should have implemented this that has skin in the game.......

Yeah I didn't do this until my stack started growing. I should also add if you have a hardware wallet you need to leave instructions on how to access it as well.

Thanks for the comment homie.

Coin Marketplace

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TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62912.13
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.84