Tron (TRX) Added to BittrexsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

How's it going everybody!!!!!

First off I just like to congratulate everybody who's been a believer in the tron project we are seeing some really substantial growth in the tron community in the tron price right now

we're up 14% as we're currently looking at it and we're continuing to ride the wave and this is really substantial for all of us who've been believing in Tron and a lot of this has been cited to I mean Tron listed on bittrex and this is really substantial for the Technologies he having all this positive media attention and I've been talking about Tron on this channel for so long

now and I've been a very heavy advocate of the technology and honestly were very far off still from those all-time highs however

it is very interesting to see the fact that so many people who were doubting Tron are now suddenly back on the Tron train and it's really funny that I just want to say everybody Welcome Aboard but I also need to congratulate those of us who have been have our seats reserved on the Tron train and now we've been we've been taking the ride so it's really pretty awesome to see all these new things all these new

developments happen and in this blog we're actually going to explore the fundamental details regarding the future of this technology and a lot of the different major applications that are going to be ruled out as a result of Tron

really coming into its own and like I always say we are substantially early in the world of cryptocurrency

we're still seeing Tron and its early stages where Tron definitely has a huge future ahead of it on me personally I'm a Believer in Justin Sun.

Definitely has a great team of people working on Tron and it's very exciting to see all these different opportunities that are coming into the Limelight as a result of all these are recent people basically coming back on board and you guys have to understand these are Johnson price and so forth I mean it is a very volatile Market and my can't necessarily make any recommendations whatsoever because

disclaimer I'm not a financial advisor. I'm not trying to tell anybody to make any specific decision this is basically my opinion I'm not your dad however all that being said it is really awesome to be among those special Selected Few horror riding this wave as a currently that happens and it's really significant to see and but you also have to remember you guys if you hey

if you weren't involved with Tron up until this point in your thinking about jumping on board right now you also have to understand that you should never buy the general philosophy and

cryptocurrency is that you don't buy you should buy the rumor sell the news and right now we're basically seeing all the hard work of those of us who have been basically with Tron from the beginning those of us who have done our

research and believe in the technology we are the ones who are basically paying off and you're basically seeing in real time real world example of what happens when are you believe in a technology and you invest in the potential. See the basic basic benefits that happened I simply based on the fact that you were one of the

people who because these Technologies won't go anywhere without a strong hands like those of us who've I decided to hold on to Tron in this

listing on this new exchange this is really I mean bittrex is going to be huge for the Tron technology and this is in the midst of Tron being listed on many other exchanges Justin Sons actually recently tweeted saying that this is just the beginning and I really definitely see the

potential that's in store for Tron I made videos in the past I speaking on the fact that Tron is in fact positioning itself to be one of the leading social media cryptocurrency. And we're only going to see more and more people spending more and more time on social media and we will definitely see social media Economy based around

cryptocurrency simply based on the fact that social media is the way that people are socially

interacting in the future and cryptocurrency is the way that people are going to be spending money in the future so you put two and two

together and you consider the fact that Tron is positioning itself in this Keith position for the years ahead it's definitely a very interesting thing to watch on fold and I'm extremely excited to see the developments that are happening for this technology it's really great to see it jumping up with all this momentum behind it and all these new people coming on board. Research I don't take my word for it don't take anybody's

word for it always go out there and I'm become educated on your own because at the end of the day you're responsible for your own decisions so you don't want to be one of those people who just gets disheartened if we go through

another market decline is really that simple you need to invest in the technologies that you yourself see as having physical applications in the real world and see when I go through this list of the top 20 cryptos. Look at this chart right here it is it's wish it's going it's going right I mean that's fantastic I'm obviously there's been some Demi manero's having a great day and

there's some definite Technologies on here that are really seeing the benefit but I mean that 17% gain right there for Tron I mean that is pretty juicy if you ask me and I mean happy. and I miss definitely amazing to watch this technology really come into its own and it's one of those historic moments that me personally I'll be telling my grandchildren about. Contact if you guys were interested in learning more about Tron and staying up-to-date definitely go and follow at Tron Foundation. Official I mean

they're verifying so forth I'm you really don't want to make the mistake of following a fake

account fake them cuz there's so many fake Twitter is out there they really did they try to delete them as fast as they can but the sad to say some of them go up and stay up for quite some time you really eat are they have two hundred sixty-three thousand followers that's

hard to that's hard to basically fake and I also definitely go on there and I'll follow Justin son because he if you're interested in the tron technology and staying up-to-date with it and so forth um it's really essential for you to be in the know when it comes to all these

Technologies. Go follow all these people so you can stay up-to-date and in the know regarding

because nobody gets any news from a headlines anymore I like I always say these web sites and so forth I mean they're great for understanding

the public Consciousness regarding these Technologies in the time in the moment you know these they're really great indicators of understanding was that one side the public is

thinking however these websites are only trying to get your clicks they're not necessarily invested in helping you become educated regarding the technology so I recommend that you go directly to the source when it comes to understanding this different information and always fact check never take anybody's word for it I always listen to everybody's information I'll

listen to anybody talk about these things. And personally I'm interested in hearing anybody's opinion on it and that's that that's just me I miss you guys are interested in me you guys can go and I'll follow.

Remember the people that invest in crypto now are the future rock stars of the 2020s

Thank you so much for your time and God bless

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STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 65641.09
ETH 3479.54
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50