in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

In the globalizing world, the technological developments have changed and transformed everything, especially social, economic, political and cultural life. Although the change and transformation are often positively affecting our lives, there are many negative aspects as well. With the free movement of goods, people and information, together with the technological development; globalization, has caused the globalization of the crime too, which has crossed the borders. Some academicians focus on the disadvantages of the rapid developments in technology. In particular, technology encouraged the crimes committed by technology and modern weapons. Conflicts and wars are increasing rather than over, the peace never comes. States are often unable and reluctant to solve the conflicts. According to Bitnation, the next generation of technology brought by the blockchain, will end this conflict of nations and bring peace. This innovative ecosystem and approach aim to stop the violence in the world and build a peaceful atmosphere for all the countries in the world.

Bitnation is actually the first “voluntary nation” without boundaries in the world. The “Pangea Judicial Authority” is a decentralized smartphone chat program that creates a decentralized management infrastructure for the community to bring peace to the world. This practice also allows you to sign agreements between parties, resolve conflicts in Pangea without needing help or mediation of the third party such as the UN General Assembly, the European Union, or another state.

Bitnation's popularity has increased as the “nation states” have failed to adapt to the technology. Because the internet interconnects the people and with block-chain technology, the users are allowed to be equally, locally, and more globally equivalent in a way that everyone wants to live. Bitnation aims to offer state-like services to everyone in the world without a mediator. This digital structure based on the block-chain structure that as a state alternative provided by the services provided by the states such as giving identity, conflict resolution, security provision and insurance with Bitnation. Bitnation was founded by Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof and became active on July 14, 2014. After a while, some associations were established with initiatives that are looking for or offering similar alternatives in the digital era.

At present, more than 200 countries and therefore embassies and consulates have been established on the Bitnation website and more than 10.000 people are registered in all continents. Isn’t it surprising? But it's not over yet. Because block-chain based notaries are still engaged in contracts such as marriage, birth certificate, company registration, land title, free agreement, credit agreements. Also, Bitnation's Emergency Refugee Status Intervention (BRER) program provided a block-based identity for stateless persons, and this software won the "Best Idea Award" at the NETEXPLO 2017 fair.

I would like to give you another information that will amaze you: current partners of BitNation are well-known and influential media giants such as Bloomberg, BBC, Forbes, WSJ, Cointelegraph, The New York Times are just a few of them. These partnerships will ensure that Bitnation is recognized and trusted by the world citizenship project.

Bitnation Token Distribution and Sale

The Pangea project is the PAT (Pantea Arbitration Token) token, which will be on sale on March 25th. This is an ERC20 compliant in-app store. We can say that PAT is a currency based on performance as well as being a reputation token. The distribution mechanism for PATA tokens in Pangea was originally Lucy, an autonomous machine that would start as a clever contract with Ethereum. In addition, Bitnation sells 42 billion PAT tokens in three stages.

Road Map

The Team


You can contact Bitnation team via Facebook, Twitter ve YouTube











goraset: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=158678

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