in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


DOMAINRAIDER-as the name itself tells "domains that matters".
It is a team of 30 members who are currently working and working from a long ago for the domains.

The team reserves the newly domains as well as the dropped domains and sells them at the auctions.

It is a French startup which was created in 2013, its specialities are “dropcatching.”

The technique consists of reserving newly dropped domain names (such as .com, .net, and .fr) and selling them at auction.

The team is in a hyper-growth with over 20,000 sales to their name.
The team of 30 people speaks 7 languages natively and is spread over 3 countries, and soon will spread to 5.

The team has gained prestigious clients who trust in snapping up the best domain names for their SEO.

So here are the some solutions-

On-Chain Solutions MultiChain-

MultiChain (a solution published by Coin Sciences Ltd) is a (fork) technology that has emerged
from Bitcoin and is dedicated to the business world.

Thats why functionalities such as-
-rights management have been added, an installation process and the addition of automated nodes,
the ability to manage the multiple assets, and the functionality which is known as “Data Streams.

-The Data Streams functionality involves adding a key value database to a blockchain
infrastructure, which can be used for managing time series.

-This function could prove
a good basis forthe (on-chain) management of auction data with accurate time stamping.

-“Production ready" miultiChain 1.0 was announced on the 2nd August 2017,
which will make it even more appealing, especially as scalability has been quoted as 1,000
transactions per second.

  • Bitcoin sidechain-
    The sidechain concept was invented and patented by the
    Blockstream company, which employs many contributors to the Bitcoin Core.

A “sidechain" is a blockchain (Bitcoin) extension that serves to put in place functionality
that isn’t available within the “parent chain": privacy, confidential transactions (hidden
scalability, new signature standards, Zero Knowledge Proof, etc.

Blockstream recently (22,may,2017) announced that its product “Liquid” was in a beta
program with around a dozen large client companies.

Among the advantages of sidechains for auction management, we already foresee:

  • The ability to segment sidechains: geographic information, auction professional
    categories, etc.

  • Scalability, both in terms often number of users and the number offtransactions.

  • Data reliability and security when we peg our sidechains to the Bitcoin network.

At this stage, use of the public Ethereum network is not suitable for managing on-chain

However, a permissioned Ethereum infrastructure (but with a public playback network) with Parity and an adhoc consensus algorithm such as Proof of Authority might make it possible to achieve significant capacity.

This configuration is currently being
tested at the Energy Web Foundation.

-Another advantage of the Parity solution is the highly promising Polkadot infrastructure which would enable numerous blockchain infrastructures to
With in the Ethereum ecosystem, auctions could be put in place using a Smart Contract,
which would be in charge of verifying norms while the infrastructure would time stamp the
bids placed by participants.

  • BigchainDB:
    BigChainDB is a technology that uses the benefits of classic NOSQL solutions to achieve
    scalability and resilience by incorporating the idea of transactions and by adapting the
    consensus algorithm.

-BigChainDB technology can be accessed on a private or public network (IPDB network).

This technology’s clear benefits could make it extremely appealing within the auctions context: load capacity (lm writes per second),
rich permissions model (flexibility for open
auctions or auctions restricted to a whitelist),
dynamic changefeed,
linear capacity.

  • HyperLedger Fabric:
    The Hyperledger Fabric product was launched by IBM, which soon entrusted it to the Linux
    The Hyperledger ecosystem (Which is bigger than Fabric) has experienced
    extremely high growth and the consortium already has 150 members from all industry
    sectors, including Cisco, Airbus, American Express, SAP among others.

  • ByteBall:
    Although it doesn’t operate using the block concept, the Byteball platform forms part of
    the blocxchain ecosystem because it offers the same promise of decentralization and
    transaction management without a central controlling body.
    Forthe sake of simplicity, one
    could argue that it does in fact use the block concept but with only one transaction.
    It is interesting to note that a fundamental reason for implementing block is the ability to pay
    miners, which isn't a requirement of the Byteball ecosystem.

The absence of a block above all means the absence of block time. Thus, a transaction (a
bid in our case) is written onto the network without a confirmation time lag, other than
network latency.
False or invalid transactions remain present but are disregarded.

Byteball transaction data are organized in DAG (Directed Acrylic Graph), which creates a
data structure that is hard to falsify in so far as each nevv transaction validates preceding
The chatbot technology incorporated into Byteball is also of interest as it can act as the
basis for an auction interface.
Equally, Byteball displays two types of asset: bytes for classic transactions, and Blackbytes.

Finally, Byteball makes it possible to issue assets that cannot be moved without the co-
signature of the issuing body
(e.g. bank, auction organizer vvho vvishes to manage and
validate the identity of a bidder).

This option is of interest when managing bids in line with
KYC / AI/IL requirements vi/here they apply.

  • IOTA:
    The features of the IOTA platform (relevant to auction management) are similar to those
    set out in the Byteball section so do not need to be set out again.

  • NEM:The NEM platform provides services such as payment, messaging, asset issue, and also
    domain name management.

One of NEM's unique features is the consensus algorithm known as Proof of Importance

The algorithm adjusts the importance (of a node or identity) depending on the
number of transactions, the identity used to carry out transactions, and other factors.
Importance strongly influences the probability of a node being selected for calculation of
a block and collection of charges linked to that block. This system is connected to the
reputation management Eigentrust++, which makes it possible to filter false identities
vvithin the netvvork. This mechanism is extremely encouraging vvithin the auction context
vvhere it is sometimes necessary to avoid dealing vvith individuals vvhose behavior is

WAVES:it includes a decentralized exchange and trading platform, a wallet with a simplified customer experience, but also a gateway that complies with fiat currency regulations (including the euro).

This highly unique positioning makes it a potential
competitor to leading platforms such as Ethereum.

  • Open Bazaar:
    Open Bazaar is a fully decentralized free e-commerce marketplace. The project is founded
    on multiple technologies: the Kademlia hash table system (based on the BitTorrent
    protocol), iPFS (|nterPlanetary File System), Ricardian Contracts and the Bitcoin network.
    The OpenBazaar platform (currently only accessible on desktop) is extremely inspiring
    from the client experience viewpoint as it allows the final user to search and navigate a
    service catalogue (which could also include bids).

-The mains features are:

it also offers live chat, which allows
e-traders and users to communicate.
The ability to create this type of experience is key to
the success of our project.

  • Other:
    We remain open to and on the lookout for any exciting new developments within the
    ecosystem to find any new system that applies and is useful to a decentralized auction

  • the company will follow the development of new Tezos, EOS and other new
    platforms that will be launched as soon as possible.





Image source : 1,2,3,4

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