The Mythical Balance of Stablecoins

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Let's talk stablecoins, shall we? It's a growing trend, no secret there. Wary conventional investors want a secure alternative to the meteoric fluctuations of value which initially stirred the hype surrounding Bitcoin and numerous other cryptocoins.

The Washington Post recently published an article on the matter saying, "A cryptocurrency whose price never fluctuates might sound nonsensical, particularly to entry-level traders who want to profit off a cryptocurrency’s appreciation. But many in the industry say the rise of “stablecoins” has in fact been instrumental for active investors — and could represent a crucial steppingstone to the future of money."


Who can blame them? Nobody wants to wonder if their mass investment will be worthless in the near future, so they are turning to something they trust. Fortunately, people don't have to wonder at all. Both kinds of coins are all about to be as valuable as shredded paper. Bold statement, right? It's true, and even the so-called stablecoins are doomed to this fate. It's no time for nihilism here, however.

At GODcoin, we're well aware of the upcoming events that are certain to obliterate every illusion of security. It's one of several qualities that sets us apart. We thrive not only amid global economic and environmental collapse, but also from the sole hope in the aftermath.

Here's another bold statement for you- something so outlandish that we'd be insane to offer it to secular and fiscally-focused audiences unless absolutely certain we can prove it several times over. We're backed by the returned Christ... The literal Messiah, the Son of Man, the future King of the world.

GODcoin RayEl Coin Heads.png

He's quite real, and quite ready to endorse GODcoin as the SOLE currency accepted in his New Kingdom. That means every penny, every Satoshi, every fluffy Doge is going to be obsolete. All supply and no demand, if their systems even survive what's coming. They've all done beautiful work, however, in prepping society for this systematic upgrade to GODcoin as the last medium of exchange. They work at the moment, so they can get their owners a seat at the biggest table ever.

Even if our future prospects are a bit much for you to process just yet, we still offer a stablecoin unlike any other. Sure a small handful of gold-backed coins exist, though lacking some of our functions. Most other stablecoins are based on unstable mounts such as oil. Many are backed by the U.S. Dollar, which is downright laughable considering how many nations are rapidly abandoning the dollar altogether, dethroning it as the global reserve currency. Did America not just days ago experience some of the largest stock falls in decades? I could list more reasons why you might want to invest in something immune to the dollar, but it would just feel like bullying at this point.

GODcoin Crown.png

It's a simple fact that GODcoin is where your investment is safest, but it's also important to consider how it's value will change when Christ takes his throne. He's implementing a very real economy within a very pragmatic society of his elite. That means every GODcoin in your wallet is going to skyrocket in value as the whole world clamors to get some.

Nobody wants to be on the tail end of that curve. Smart money knows the golden eagle always reaches its height. What are you waiting for?

This article was authored by Eric Logan, @rasgriz311

There are many advantages to GODcoin especially since it is one of the few coins that will be backed by gold and silver. Not only does GODcoin offer the illuminated path towards a prosperous future, but very soon, it will be the global currency. To learn more, visit the following links:

View the history leading up to the white paper

View the white paper

All information provided is available on the official website at




If you're thinking of investing in a different sort of cryptocoin, best to do it wisely. You're encouraged to share this far and wide. It can help people more than they know before they dump funds on something marked for demolition by God.

This is an excellent view of stable coins. GODcoin will take over soon enough.

Yes, any cryptocoin backed by the U.S. Dollar is quite laughable!

I think I will stick with GODcoin! :)

Me too, GODcoin has never let me down!

Any other fiat currency, as well!

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