Australian Gov't. Is Making Important Steps, But Will It Form A Pizza Party?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

If anyone doubts which direction the global economy will take in this era of technological revolutions, they should notice a development in Australia, where the Prime Minister is affixing his gaze on blockchain technologies.

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Malcolm Turnbull was speaking to Australia's Digital Transformation Agency, and has asked them to begin researching ways to implement blockchain technology into government applications. His decision comes after several other Australian government bodies have been doing much the same thing for their own unique purposes. Preceding him are the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Immigration, and Home Affairs, each of which have moved for this innovation.

This news could not have come at a more fitting time, just hours before another key event in blockchain history; Bitcoin Pizza Day. That's right. For those who don't know, May 22nd is the anniversary of an important benchmark and cautionary tale.

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To briefly explain, in 2010 a software engineer by the name of Laszlo Hanyecz wanted to prove whether or not Bitcoin was a viable currency before it became the titan it is today. He publicly offered 10,000 Bitcoins in exchange for ANY two large pizzas at a time when BTC had next-to-no buying power. To sweeten the deal, Hanyecz actually paid more than the pizzas were currently worth in BTC by almost double. He paid $40 worth of BTC for $25 worth of Papa John's pizza.

Today, that would be over $83 million. Makes you wonder if the pizza was any good.

Hanyacz made a point that day. Cryptocurrencies could be used as money! His was the first real-world cryptocurrency transaction!

Still, Hanyecz continued making himself the poster child of cautionary investments. After losing a fortune on pizza, he sold the rest of his BTC years later for $4000 when it reached a dollar. Astoundingly, even knowing what he does today, he defends this action as a profitable sale.

“It wasn’t like Bitcoins had any value back then, so the idea of trading them for a pizza was incredibly cool…No one knew it was going to get so big.”

Pride is a perplexing thing to maintain.

All of this has not been a casual story time, however. Australia's forward steps and Hanyecz's wasted opportunities are proof that now is the time to be looking for the next great window of wealth. Sure, short-term profits can be found already, but not even Bitcoin will outlast the economic hemorrhage that's about to strike.

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It's time to invest in GODcoin! Just a quick fact though... Don't spend it on pizza though... That would be bad

For this very same reason, I've fully invested myself into GODcoin!

Invested in the Lord and his way....this is a BIG part of it

That's some expensive pizza!!

I was thinking the same!

It would be foolish not to invest in Godcoin.

The only choice that will outlast them all is GODcoin

All other crypto will become obsolete soon

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