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RE: Remembering the DotCom Boom : Part 1 – Who owns the “Internet”?

In the latter part of the 90s I was working for a state welfare agency, and then working for a newspaper before starting up my own. The internet back then was dial up, and would inevitably drop the connection in the middle of us sending over files for the printer. We did deliver them on a disc for a while, but then tried it over dial up (took hours), and then we had a satellite hook up, but that's all getting into the early two thousands.

I messed around with AOL and Netscape for a while. I didn't really try to do any kind of online business, or internet cafe or anything like that. I'd say you were more than an early adopter. You were an early entrepreneur, with the ability to make some money. Adopters generally get to spend money, unless they've invested—then they might get rewarded if things take off.


I had the ability to make some money, just not the common sense. A head full of ideals and no real knowledge of how the world really worked. Maybe not much has changed :)

Well, now, I'm going to say that it's hard to make it through life without figure out how the world works, so while I can believe your head is still full of ideals, you've got a pretty good handle on how the world works. And if you're still trying to defy that, or work around it, it's because it's not all what it's cracked up to be and needs to change. And there's nothing wrong with that at all.

I find myself in that space all the time. I just tend to make stories out of it because the world isn't bound to change like I can fictionally change it. :)

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