What Moves Markets?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Well, to be precise, idiots and assholes.

There are many types of idiots, and one of the worst is rich idiots.

I've been doing a little trading of cryptos over the past few days since I got my last payout. I've made more profit than loss, but not a whole lot. Of course, my targets are pretty high, so I don't consider even 100% profit to be that much.

One thing I keep seeing watching the order book on Bittrex is dumbasses putting in massive sales of coin in a large chunk. There is nothing that will turn a market downward faster than a massive chunk to overcome. People see it and they think "Lemme just get my sale in first, that one's gonna take a while." Before you know it, a fuckton of people are all competing downward on the price, just to sell their's first. Then people see this downward trend, and they think "oh...it's not going up anymore. maybe I should hold off on buying for now.", when in reality it's just some rich fucking idiot selling a massive chunk, and a bunch of others just wanting to get their money out before him.

If you're gonna invest in the market, break your sales into smaller chunks if you're selling off more than a hundred dollars or two. Especially on a platform like bittrex, where you can see the order booklet.

This includes for SBD! Don't sell off your massive payouts from your posts all at once. Check the order booklet, and choose a spot a few down, and sell a bit off there, go a bit farther down, and sell a bit for that much, etc. You'll make more, and you won't cause the price to plummet.

And if you want a quick sale, sell it only barely below the lowest "ask". Or just click one of the offers. A suddenly massive sale could cause a market to reverse very quickly. If you are going to sell a ton for market price, have some fucking patience, and sell it $10 or $20 at a time.

Where the assholes come in is when they do this sorta stuff on purpose.

You wanna drive down the price? Put a large chunk up for sale, and then have a bot compete with itself to sell smaller chunks for less. Before you know it, the price is tanking as others panic.

Wanna drive up the price? Have a bot compete with itself for a higher price.

It might be easier to drive the price up. Then you can use what you bought when the price was lower to sell in the massive chunk to drive it higher. Rinse and repeat. You are now a corporate asshole manipulating markets for your own greed.


Note: This post has no references. This is just me ranting because I'm tired of the market choking on huge chunks of coin.

I wish I could send messages on Bittrex so I could tell these people selling thousands of dollars of coin to stop fucking over the market for everyone else.


I think the specific amounts are not as important as the percentage of the volume. If it is a high volume asset, a $500 order might not even be a blip where on a smaller volume asset $10 might be a large hurdle to overcome.

As an unrelated related note, imagine what happens to the farmers trying to sell food in poor countries when a huge "order" of free food gets dropped on the market by a well meaning charitable organization. Just some food for thought. ;)

Yeah, you're right. I invested in steem last night because I was paranoid BTC might crash. It spiked and I made quite a hefty profit. I saw the market eat through orders of over $15k in seconds. It was astounding.

On the "unrelated note", I likewise agree. America actually does this occasionally on purpose to flood markets in other countries, and crash prices. Economic warfare, as they put it. In regards to the "well meaning" organizations, it's why I refuse to ever support any organization that does anything like that. If they wanted to help, they would buy from the local farmers to feed the people, and figure out ways to get them jobs, or bring economic success to the area. Of course, giving jobs to foreigners, even starving ones, is viewed as "outsourcing". -.-

Agree! That's why I love projects like @choicehumanitary they focus on helping people become self reliant .

Yes, I've seen and thought the same thing. I HATE those big chunks sitting there in the queue - that's when I get up from the computer, go find a snack and let it ride

I've started using them to judge where I should sell off a little. Someone's selling off 100? It might bounce back a little. Maybe sell off a bit. 200? Ehh...it's probably gonna bounce back from that, but it might return. 500? There's almost no way it won't reverse, and it might take quite a while to bounce back to that level. Of course, every time it bounces back, I can buy a bit more at whatever level it drops to. :)

Of course, change the numbers based on what you're looking at.
That's based on me trading LTC today. :)

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