My Bitcoin Tragedy!

As an 18 year old college freshman I could have best been described as extremely interested in, and skeptical of society and established norms. Conspiracy theorist at large, I had a keen interest in all sorts of government plots and mischievous entanglements. The sheer labyrinthine nature of what one can explore in this regard is mind-blowing. The rabbit hole goes very deep! Along with 9/11, The Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, JFK etc.ill.jpg

I still maintain a huge interest in most of these topics, albeit I no longer have the time to spend 10 hours a day watching Youtube videos and researching declassified FBI documents! Coupled with an inherent desire to research and uncover the true nature of these intricate plots, I found myself becoming ever more fascinated by human nature.

The form of government we create/fabricate in order to best allocate resources and maintain law and order became the foremost topic of interest for me around 2007/2008. This was largely inspired by one of my heroes and the man who opened my eyes up to a whole new world. That man was the one and only Ron Paul. ron.jpg

Soon thereafter I found myself entrenched in the inner workings of the Fed, monetary policy, cronyism etc. It didn't take a huge amount of time to figure out that the system was broken. It was around that time that it dawned on me... Something needed to change. It was at this point that I began to take a serious lean towards Libertarianism and the Austrian School of Economics. After witnessing Paul being disenfranchised, cheated and spat out twice in a row by the RNC (in 2008 and 2012) left me with a very bad taste in my mouth. 2 party.jpg

In late 2013 I first heard about the idea of a decentralized form of currency which could be cheap to use, lightning fast and free from the vices of overbearing governmental regulation and control. Moreover, such a currency could be 100% peer-to-peer in its function - controlled and directed by its user base. Blockchain technology itself still baffles me to this day, but I was keenly interested in researching further into this idea. block.png

I did just that, and I knew a decent amount around how the technology worked and its various use-cases. The tragedy is that I never had the wherewithal to understand the true value of such an idea... At the time one could have picked up 10 BTC for circa $150, yet I did not. It would take me many more years before actually investing in the space.

If only at that time I took a punt and threw a few hundred dollars in! I could be retired and sipping a Martini in the Bahamas! Albeit, one should not live in the past and look ahead to future opportunities. As it stands I have been intensely researching and investing in all sorts of crypto currencies for about a year now. Thankfully it looks like I've done quite well for myself so far and am always learning more about how the market works and trading. Apart from that, buy low sell high and HODL, as they say!



Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66053.97
ETH 3448.72
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67