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RE: Bitcoin ETF DENIED Price Drops 5%

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

I saw the price drop today and then I saw the headline about the Winklevoss Twins ETF being denied. I'm glad I found your video because now I know more. The SEC says this is not a judgement on the entire crypto space, they want more investor protection, and there is at least one other BTC ETF looking for approval. All good things to know.

Also, I hope everyone who watches your video takes the time to understand that just because something happens after another thing, it doesn't mean it happened Because of the other thing! If some people do a rain dance and it then rains, the dancers may not have caused the rain. If some people pray for a sick friend who then gets well, the prayers may not have caused the recovery. As they say in Latin, Post hoc ergo propter hoc. After this, therefore because of this - is a logical fallacy. It May be caused by "this" but it's not necessarily the case!

However in the case of the big drop today in the BTC price, I would have to think the ETF denial might very well at least have been a factor!

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