How I claim 8 bitcoin fork coin using iPhone,用iphone拿8种bitcoin分叉币

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago



Hello Steemit Friends, if you own Bitcoin and keep it for whole year 2017, you will have a lot of free fork coin such as

  1. Bitcoin Cash(BCH) $1448
  2. Bitcoin Gold(BTG) $152
  3. Super Bitcoin(SBTC) $41.13
  4. Bitcoin Diamond(BCD) $13.24 x 10
  5. Bitcoin White(BTW) $0.25 x 10000
  6. Bitcoin Planet(BTP) not ready
  7. Bitcoin Future(BTF) not ready
  8. Bitcoin Nano(BTN) not ready

but in order to claim it, it is not so straight forward as you will need to take your bitcoin private key to claim it, so before you do anything, please move your bitcoin to other address as you do not want to lose your bitcoin when claiming all there fork coin

Basically you need 2 app

  1. Bither App (only available on Google App store)
  2. Bitpie App (can download on Google App Store and IOS App Store)

Ok, Bither app only available in google play store but not in apple App Store so I will have to download it manually on the website using my iPhone

after download it on iPhone, iPhone will not let you open it because it is not from the App Store, so you will need to go to your iPhone Setting-> General -> Device Management -> choose the app -> trust it

then now you can open it

On Bither App:
Click the cog(icon) -> advance -> import private key

then click the cog(icon)->advance-> get fork coins

Repeat below step 8 times for 8 different fork coin

  1. Choose the fork coin you want to get, example SBTC, then send it to your Bitpie SBTC address
    a. Open your Bitpie app
    b. Switch the coin to SBTC, click receive, screenshot the QR code
    c. Send SBTC from Bither App to Bitpie App
  2. Check on your Bitpie wallet to see the coin
  3. Sent the SBTC from Bitpie wallet to exchange(example OKEX) to sell for Ethereum

So far I have successfully claim BCH, BTG, BCD, SBTC, the other 4 unable to claim yet and no exchange accept them, I have sent all of them to OKEX exchange as it seem to be the only one who accept BCD and SBTC

hopefully this can help you claim a lot of dividend to spent

thanks for reading


  1. Bitcoin Cash(BCH) $1448
  2. Bitcoin Gold(BTG) $152
  3. Super Bitcoin(SBTC) $41.13
  4. Bitcoin Diamond(BCD) $13.24 x 10
  5. Bitcoin White(BTW) $0.25 x 10000
  6. Bitcoin Planet(BTP) not ready
  7. Bitcoin Future(BTF) not ready
  8. Bitcoin Nano(BTN) not ready

可是为了安全起见,因为拿这些糖果需要用到你的bitcoin private key,所以最好你还是先把bitcoin转去新的地址,再用旧地址的private key 来claim


  1. Bither App(只有在Google Appstore)
  2. Bitpie App(Google Appstore和IOS Appstore都有)

如果你是用Iphone的话,你需要去以下网站下载Bither App


Setting-> General ->Device management-> Bither app->trust


在Bither App:
按 cog(icon) -> advance -> import private key

然后再按 cog(icon)->advance-> get fork coins


  1. 选其中一种比如SBTC, 送过去Bitpie SBTC的地址
  2. 在Bitpie的钱包确认得到SBTC
  3. 用Bitpie wallet送到交易所(OKEX)上卖





So I can it is literally free money then? Haha

yup, its all free provided you have bitcoin

thanks for all information



Wow! I will give it a try. Blockchain already gave me BTC. Can i still claim more using ur method?

if u own bitcoin during the hardfork period u will have those fork coin

ok. I will give it a try and give you feedback

@fundurian I just checked and gettable coins was reading 0.00m even though I had 0.0328 coins since December 2016 ... I guess there's nothing to fork out *sad

Maybe we need to tell bitcoin to stop forking around.

haha, its the other dude that like to fork around

Woah, thank you for the infos! This is going to make a lot of people happy!


Nice post. Good information

@fundurian 比特币的孩子真是多,一个接一个的诞生。过不久,应该可以凑成一队足球队了 XD

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