What is the Brave browser?steemCreated with Sketch.

Brave Overview

The Brave browser is an open source browser developed by the creator of JavaScript and Mozilla. Brave is marketed as 2x as fast as Chrome and with built in ad blocking, for improved security.  

The Positives:

  • It directs users to HTTPS sites improving security.
  • The browser blocks ads and trackers by default.  
  • You can opt in to ads but will be rewarded for doing so.
  • Rewards are delivered via the BAT system and cryptocurrency BAT.
  • Brave is as fast, if not faster than other browsers.

The Negatives:

  • It is based on the open source Chromium project and inherits it’s privacy vulnerabilities.
  • It blocks cookies from sites that are honoring the do not track promise.
  • Brave doesn’t work well with VPN.

What's Brave Like?

  • Chrome browser
  • Firefox browser
  • Safari browser
  • Microsoft Edge browser
  • Midori browser

Brave's Market:

  • Chrome, (56.3% market share)
  • Safari, (14.4% market share)
  • UC Browser, (8.2% market share, China)
  • Firefox, (5.7% market share)
  • Opera, (3.9% market share)
  • Samsung Internet, (2.8% market share)
  • Edge, (1.9% market share)

Brave's Intelligentsia:

  • Raised $4.5m from Abstract Ventures.
  • Brendan Eich, founder of Javascript and co-founded Mozilla is behind Brave.

Brave's Milestones:

  • August 2016 - Raised $4.5m in seed funding.
  • September 2016 - Brave launches payments so users can support sites with cash rather than clicks.
  • June 2017 - Raised $35m in 30 seconds from BAT Initial Coin Offering (ICO).
  • December 2017 - Makes push to reward content creators via the BAT system.
  • January 2018 - Announces $1m BAT giveaway.

Brave's Roadmap:

  • The BAT system used in Brave is being added to other open source software.
  • Brave continues to be improved with...
    • Offline reading
    • Tab manager
    • Autocomplete enhancements
    • Widevine for Linux
    • Night mode
    • Proxy settings
    • Feature flipper

The Function of Brave:

  • Brave is focused on speed, privacy and protection.
  • Brave is the current main delivery method of the BAT system. A revolutionary ad system where advertisers, websites and viewers work within a single ecosystem.
  • You can earn, donate and spend BAT, the cryptocurrency used within the BAT system and Brave browser.
  • It has been stated that via the BAT system and Brave, middlemen like AdWords and Facebook will no longer have a monopoly.  
  • Despite the above, the BAT system will take a 5% cut of BAT distribution, effectively making them a middleman. 

The Official Video:

Our goal with this profile is to simplify and make accessible the vast array of information available. If we've failed to include any information or made errors please let us know. For the full profile go to Full Tilt Crypto.


Sounds interesting, I think I'm going to have a closer look at this project. Thanks for the hint and this article! Also, you can count me in as a new follower. I think it's good when new Steemit users support each other.

Thank you. Consider yourself followed too.

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