Ethereum Bull Trap ( Is todays huge gains just a trick ?) $18,000 says so

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Based on what I have been reading around the internet - not that this is usually the best source of solid investment information, I have read that the huge and sudden gains in ether maybe a trap put in place by whales who lost out when Ether dropped by over 30 % in the course of days last week.

Will the dump happen today? Will it happen in the next 48 hours ? Only time will tell. At this moment some analysis are stating that Ethereum may drop below $200 some time in near future, with that being said, I have a PUT option in place for $18,000 in ethereum @$250 Canadian per unit. Let see if I can make up for some lost time.



It's an hodling game my friend. HODL.

If I can pick up some ether for a $250, Ill hold on to it for a while ......

@fuckmylife i just wanted to say i really enjoy your blog out of all so far believe it or not. i can truly relate from being at the top and enjoying the finest cars etc etc to being at the bottom . a divorce f m up and some other stuff , u mind sharing what about u? cheers bra

My lawyer - who was also a family friend decided to go crazy one day and decided to steal all the money and assets that she was holding in trust for a bunch of her clients. One day I needed a piece of real estate back that she had been holding on to for about 5 years because I was going to do a refinance on my business and she said she couldn't give it back. I asked why ? And she said she had collateralized it to buy a 2.5 million dollar building to run her law practice out of. She also said if she admitted to the bank that the land she used as collateral wasn't hers, she would go to jail for mortgage fraud. So rather than go to jail, she is doing everything in her power to prove that everything was hers. In the process all the land in which my business operated on for 30 years was sold and the monies are all sitting in court to be arbitrated over. But considering that she refuses to go to arbitration, she just continues to file application after application to bury me and my family . Pretty sad seeing this was a women that use to baby sit me as a child. It is a verrrrrrry long story, but this is essentially the gist of it.

Thank you for the kind words though

wow , that is absolutly horrible , i feel for u, lawyers fucking suck , il share my story the later it a bit long like yours. keep trucking along man the good guys will prevail .dont do ANYTHING that would jeopordize the court proceedings like threats etc . be very very careful. im sure you are im just saying . my x wife tried go send me to prison over some stupid debts that she claimed i opened in her name and was not true . 2 shiny bmw and a nice townhome gone . had to fight for custody of my son and got 50 50 after 4 months ot barely seeing him . my x is currently screwing her boss which is 2 times older than her

She is a criminal lawyer by trade. She tried putting my brother in jail for mischief to data. I guess she got caught calling the crown directly and they drop the charges seeing that they were bogus.. according to what we've been told she's already asked her employee who has a bunch of guns to give her his guns so she can come kill us. So this is the type of person I'm dealing with. I'm going to try my best not to do anything to compromise what's going on in the courts. But after $600,000 in legal fees last year and getting absolutely nowhere because she continuously delays the process by lying to judges, by deceiving the courts and continuously perjuring herself, there's no way you can fight with a person that's just insane. She had to hire her own lawyer to defend herself, she racked up $200,000 in fees with the guy and just never paid him. Now shes back to defending herself.

Sorry to hear about the wife and kids. And a loss of car as beautiful as a BMW can hurt anyone. You can always get another wife. Hopefully you get to see your kid more often moving forward. Best of luck

DAMN BRO. that is rough. you will lose any chance of winning if you even think about threatening her. jsut lay low and be easy. hang in there man. that would be enough stress for most people to just leave it all and start getting high on hard drugs, depression , etc , so u strong and stay sane

LOL. I remember my lawyer's secretary asking me how do I sleep at night? Everyone knows that I am in right, and that this lawyers out to lunch because she's been caught lying so many times. She actually tried to tell a judge that she never represented I or anyone in my family before. The next day I delivered over 150 statement of accounts from her Law Firm over the last 15 years that Illustrated in detail that she was my lawyer. This person is just a nutcase

The second I quit she wins. I actually stopped smoking pot after 10 years just to address this issue with a sober mind.

oh and ps. i can get another wife? man maybe some day. she was so beutiful and sexy the msot sexiest girl in my area seriously . but she is actually insane after all of this i learned..INSANE. maybe somedsy i could get another wife but im njot gona lie i am down and out when it comes to dating right now . jsut not there . wish i wws tho wish i had a warm body at home everynitht nah mean...sorry for spelling my phone is stuck in german spellcueck from traveling..

It hurts to loose someone . But eventually the feelings will fade. I know what you mean about having someone to go home too. Ive been single for almost all of my 20s and my 30s arnt looking that great

That is a big order. I think you will make up for lost time.

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