STEEM inflation with the high rate of new currency creation/Laporan STEEM Cair 27 Nov 2018

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Ini adalah grafik historis dari Total STEEM dan pasokan Liquid STEEM

(Catatan) Ada dua skala berbeda pada grafik ini. Untuk skala penuh, lihat grafik di bawah ini.

STEEM cair adalah STEEM yang tersisa yang belum diubah menjadi Steem Power. (Garis Oranye)

  • Ketika STEEM berbentuk cair, ia dapat dengan mudah dijual dan dibeli.
  • Ketika STEEM terkunci dalam SP, itu tidak cair, Ini membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk mengubahnya kembali ke bentuk cair.

Ini adalah grafik dari data yang sama. Data grafik ini diplot pada skala yang sama untuk menunjukkan perbedaan besar antara Liquid STEEM dan STEEM yang disimpan dalam SP

Saya membuat bagan ini dengan data yang saya kumpulkan selama beberapa bulan terakhir.

Mengapa grafik ini penting?

STEEM dibuat dengan kecepatan tinggi. Saat ini 8,68% per tahun. Banyak Steemian memiliki kekhawatiran tentang inflasi STEEM dengan tingginya tingkat penciptaan mata uang baru. Grafik-grafik ini menunjukkan bahwa persediaan STEEM terbatas. Inflasi sedang diimbangi oleh laju STEEM dikonversi ke Non-Liquid STEEM.

Saya harap Anda menikmati membaca Blog ini. Terima kasih telah mendukung pekerjaan @socky.

Source from @socky post, Translated into Indonesian by @fremy
Original post source from @socky translated into Indonesian by permission of @socky.

My life keeps running, I really hope you can always provide support for the disabled so that I can be motivated, your kindness is all hope for me. If the spirit of my life begins to dim and my confidence will also disappear then all my dream will be stopped.

But friends must know, I will not get better at #steemit without the support of others. Everyone who supports me is a wise and generous person, who has a heart as soft as morning dew, who always supports people with disabilities and they are :

|| @lukestokes || @canadian-coconut || @starkerz || @surpassinggoogle || @vortac || @lichtblick || @r2cornell || @solenn || @majes || @ejemai || @skapaneas || @kalemandra || @good-karma || @adivender || @jol09 || @jasonmunapasee || @daveks || @damarth || @ocd || @oendertuerk || @arama || @ozhiya || @hr1 || @stephenkendal || @anarcotech || @arcange || @acidyo || @esteemapp || @qurator || @lenatramper || @sallybeth23 ||
By not reducing respect, I apologize to you all for mentioning you in my post.

Their names will always be mentioned in my post, because they have helped me, taught me and gave me a very meaningful knowledge in my life. Thank you so much for sharing love for me. You all have done one goodness that is very meaningful to me. The good of you all I will remember. May your days all be better and your life will be brighter.

Thanks for all of you who have shared love all the time.

@fremy gives a message through words of wisdom :
"Physical limitations (disabilities) are not the main obstacles to achieving a dream, if you are trying to be really there will be good opportunities. Efforts will be directly proportional to the outcome. So no need to fear, your dream will be achieved without having to beg..."

Source From Previous Posts 
PostsSTEEM Account Report For November 26th 2018 - 24h Change (Latest SteemWorld News)
Posts Make STEEM better. Can you do it? Bagaimana Anda Dapat Membuat Perbedaan STEEMIT
Posts STEEM Account Report For November 25th 2018 - 24h Change (Latest SteemWorld News)
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Posts STEEM Account Report For November 21th 2018 - 24h Change (Latest SteemWorld News)
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My words are not as beautiful as rainbow at dusk, forgive me if there is offending you all and make you feel uncomfortable. I'm just an ordinary human who does not escape mistakes.

Written by @fremy wholeheartedly, based on experience with motivation and inspiration in his life.

Thanks Regards


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