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RE: Cryptos And Exponential Growth - It Is Staggering...

Ok, I dont agree with that. I would say cryptos is a different technology and it is also less user friendly at the moment, but I believe that will change to the better.

Yes, the Euro is rising for the moment, I believe it is just a short term trend. The worst economies in Europe are Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Greece and also Germany. They have all more than 100% debt to GDP ratio.

I am following Martin Armstrong and he is in my opinion the best forecaster of the "old economy".


EU medium debt compared to GDP is at 89 percent and slowly decreasing. Spain economy is growing thanks to the increase of tourism and the low salaries. Greece made his first public debt issue in years a few months ago. Portugal economy is recovering at unexpected high rates.

On the other hand, European banks are not in a good situation. Italy rescued a big bank a few months ago and on June the small Spanish bank "Banco Popular" was given for free to the also Spanish "Banco Santander" by EU authorities, some economists say it was a covert rescue for the Santander. I think the crash is likely but not unavoidable for now.

We are probably looking at different sources, but here is one of my sources:

Sort by debt and here you can also see the trend:

The thing is, I believe we are headed into a gruesome recession/depression, and then you wont be able to pay off your debt.

Also, many countries might do a Brexit, like Italy and Catalonia etc. Any of these events will crash the euro.

I dont know exactly whats going to occur, but I wouldnt bet on any fiat currency, thats for sure. Cryptos and gold/silver, that is my way of thinking.

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