Altcoins mining with GPU from home

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

What is it?

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It is to use the GPU (video card) to mine in some pool type Minergate or MineXMR, since the great majority we do not count with ASIC miners since they are worth around 2000 dollars and that the mining of bitcoin requires several of these to be something Cost-effective, to have our GPUs to mine some criptomoneda of less value but smaller difficulty sounds reasonable.

What do we need?

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The best for this are ATI Radeon video cards (a R9 is ideal) but an Nvidia will fulfill the task, a PC with Windows 7 64bit operating system, I put it in bold because it does not work in 32 bit (at least to me I do not work, if anyone knows how please tell me), at least 2 GB RAM, we do not need big CPU since the indispensable thing is the GPU, with a dual core of 2.8Ghz will suffice.

We also need a wallet where we deposit the altcoins to mine and create a user in the mining pool of our preference.

How do we start?

Once we have our PC armed download the software to mine, it depends on our video card will use one or the other

-Cudaminer if your card is Nvidia

-GCminer if your card is ATI

The configuration is simple, we only create with Windows Notepad a text document with the name Start or Stratum (depends on the software of mining that we use), we put in the configuration that gives us the mining pool with our user and Pass and save it as a .bat file.

Here is an example of the configuration of the file

NsGpuCNMiner -o stratum + tcp: // 4444 -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p x

This example is for Cudaminer in MineXMR but each software and each pool has its configuration (do not worry that the page of the pool tells you to configure it).



This is the part that interests us all, we have everything ready and we begin to undermine ... how much are we going to do?

This depends on the currency, its difficulty and the GPU we have, knowing how many Kh / s how many Mh / s (this tells us the mining software) works our video card, we can calculate how many coins we mined per unit time with Help of a calculator that usually are in the pages of the pool.

I broke my head but it's really easy to do this, with good hardware you get good profits, you do not need high bandwidth Internet and once you have more skills in this can experience overclocking the GPU, which should not Forget is the temperature that reaches the video card, remember that while they work this 100% works and can be overheated, investing in a good fan cooler is not over.

I hope this post helps them to start in the mining of altcoins down I leave a couple of pages that helped me a lot.


Great work in introducing what mining needs and how to get it done. However my area, most of the amds are running out or they are selling at some really really high price. Gtx1070 and 1080 may not be that suitable as their price doesnt really justify with their calculation power. But with the gtx 1060 mining card coming out, a lot could be changed.

Keep in mind also the electric power cost. Depending on the price of electricity in where you live, it may not end up profitable by doing the mining by yourself. That's why now most of the miners put their operation to where cheap electricity is. Bear in mind that electricity is not only needed for powering the mining machines, it is also need to power the cooling system as well.
That's why I ended up with Genesis-mining, this kind of cloud base mining services.

I bet nVidia and AMD are working on special gpu's for mining. This is most likely their biggest field of income since mining farms around the worlds buy everything they get. Any news on that?

Yes the gpu basically are just out of stock, especially for amd which is more optimal to use to mine if you compare to gtx but even the gtx one has been selling like crazy given the alt coin price. One risk for amd and gtx is that if people start dumping their cards, gamers may just pick it up in second hand market.

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