STEEM could reach $50 in long term 五十刀的梦

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Recently STEEM is breaking all time high record now sitting at $8, most of us have lost our mind and have no idea what's going on. Of course for whatever the reasons are, we steemians are surely cheerful for this rise.

While some of the big time STEEM believers foresee that STEEN could reach $10 months ago. At current trend this is absolutely achievable. And I noticed some of the whales already starts to power down and I guess they just want to lock some profit which is good for them. Buying in STEEM at this moment will be sounds like a not-so-wise plan.

I've been trading BTC/Altcoins following the signal from a Telegram channel. The performane has been great so far. Yesterday they gave a signal about STEEM finally. To my amazement, they predicted STEEM could even reaching $50 for long term hold! This is a figure I can't even dreaming of.

So for based on my trust on STEEM and this channel, I shall:

  • Never power down or cash out my holdings.
  • Buy more STEEM while I still can
  • Surely, keep mining STEEM using my brain!

What you say?


Steem can take off soon, buy some below 47000, it’s showing consolidation in last few years , I have seen same pattern with status yesterday. Steem is second most used Blockchain usecase and great product. It’s also a great coin to hold long term . Target for short term is above 80000. Long term target: 50$

STEEM 近来的大飚车已经让很多人跌破了眼睛,相信连预言此局面的大神如 @deanliu 也不敢置信这么快就有突破性的发展。照这样的趋势发展下去,$10 绝对是手到拿来。

在这样高涨的形势下,有好些大鲸已经开始 power down 套现了。可能他们觉得先要锁定这部分的盈利,将来再买进吧,毕竟 what go up must go down。没有对错,对他们也是一大好事,毕竟他们当中有很多都是元老级别,在 STEEM 不值一文时就已经入场。另一方面在 STEEM 价格高企的现在,持续买进似乎有点笨,但这个是以 $10 为顶峰而言。

之前分享过我一直有在根据某 Telegram crypto signal 进行比特币和山寨币的交易,成绩颇可观。昨天他们终于推荐了STEEM 的买进信号。令人惊吓的是,他们居然预测长期来看的话 STEEM 可以达到 $50!这可是做梦都不敢想的数字啊!早知道他们的信号命中率可不低的。而且以五十刀为目标的话,现在的价格就是太便宜了。

由此,有鉴于我对 STEEM 和这个频道的信心,我决定:

  • 永不 power down 或套现
  • 有机会便买进更多 STEEM
  • 最后当然是坚持在 Steemit 上用脑挖矿!



I personally think it is really realistic for Steem to reach that kind of height. Obviously this growth has been nice but its okay if that climb is a little slower. Slow and steady wins the race, right?



It won't be wise buy steem now the rise steem is our happiness,thanks for sharing.



有好些大鲸已经开始 power down 套现了




steem真的是一路飙涨,我握紧钱包,算了,不power down了



就怕和比特币一样 下车了 就再也上不了车了 ๑乛◡乛๑


Wow! $50 per SBD would make most of here only need to write one post per day.

Yeah depends ofn your earning power here.

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