Cryptopias next 10x coin

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Hello, I recently joined Steemit. If you want to read my introduction post go here:

Let's start talking about today's topic. OPC. You've probably never heard of Op Coin. That is with good reason. OPC is currently at a 600.000USD market cap which as you all know is extremely low in the crypto land. So why is OPC the next 10x coin on Cryptopia and how did I find it?

I follow Cryptopia listings closely. That is because exchanges like trade.ogre,, and Cryptopia all have something in common: They have lots of low market cap gems.

I usually follow Cryptopia very closely on all platforms. So whenever a new coin is listed I research it as much as possible. OPC popped up on my radar about two weeks ago when I spotted it whilst browsing Cryptopia. I didn't recognize it so I did some digging.

Turns out I had found my next Cryptopia gem. So next step was to check if there was any hype volume on it (people talking about it or mentioning it on Twitter and other forums. I saw a few people shill it on Twitter and set some reminders to check twitter for it coming weeks. Now after two weeks it has blown up thanks to accounts like shilling it to their followers.

So now you might be thinking: "Is he basing his 10x prediction on some twitter guy shilling it?" The simple answer is no. The more complicated answer is yes. Whenever larger twitter personalities or people with large followings start shilling a coin most of their followers will buy it blindly and not think of it for 2 seconds. This means increased volume on the coin and more liquidity for cashing out. So in reality, if you don't get in too late you will be completely fine.

But enough talk about the twitter shills. What really excited me about this project was the fact that their roadmap for May was filled with new releases!

*Let's dive in. First off we have OPCX sale. OPCX is a coin that the OPC team has announced as a type of stable currency for their own services. OPCX will be at a fixed price of 1000 sats/OPCX. Since coin swap is 20OPC for 1 OPCX if you can't get OPC under 50 sats doing the coin swap will make you lose money.

*Secondly we have a new website release. As we know from small-cap coins before this one. Small things like updating a website can cause a price spike/FOMO so this is great.

*Masternode wallet and masternode requirements release. Masternode market is broad with a lot of fans and people who want to get into it. Masternode wallet (wallet) and master node requirements release is huge news for OPC

*OPC to XOPC coin swap the 20:1 OPC to XOPC coin swap will occur between May the 14th and 24rd of May. I personally won't be doing this coin swap as I feel there are much greater profits to be had on OPC if you hold it until the start of June. The coin burn will be 75% of supply which is HUGE if you know anything about coin burns.

*XOPC/OPC in-house staking pool. If you haven't understood what the purpose of OPC and XOPC is, they're staking coins/masternode coins.

So with all these great announcements, there has to be a catch, right? No catch just a great project. Simply price wise I think we easily can see a 5-10x. But if you want to turn that 5-10x into a possible 7-15x let me tell you what you need to do. Staking.

As I said before this is a staking coin and current APR (annual percentage rate for staking) is at 1300%. So if you stake your OPC every day until the start of June you will eventually have enough coins gathered so when you sell your return will be 7-15x

If you want to stake OPC the easiest method is to use SU (stakeunited). To sign up on Stakeunited use this link ( which will give you 10% off from all fees on your rewards. This takes the fee from 3% on all staking rewards to 2.7%. This can be a significant amount once you do staking with larger balances.

So to stake all you need to is: Sign up at (stakeunited register link), verify your email, go to "account balance", find OPC, press the "+" then click "generate address". Copy the address. Go to Cryptopia and do a withdrawal for all of your OPC to stakeunited. Once Stakeunited has received your OPC, staking will begin automatically and you can withdraw your OPC at any point you want.

So the target for OPC by end of May is: 300-500 sats

Current price: 50 sats

Recommended entry price: 50 sats area

All time high: 700 sats

Expected return: 600-1500%

Cryptopia OPC/BTC marketplace:

My links:

StakeUnited registration link for 10% off on staking fees:

BitMex registration for 10% off on all trading fees for the first 6 months:

Telegram signals and ICO picks group:


thanks for introducing this coin. You can write this also in bitcointalk, it can help the community too!
lookin to hear more about ur other gems :)

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