TenX weekly update: we choose the path of honesty and transparency

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Latest news about TenX and some Q&A

...our mission is to be as transparent and honest as possible to our shareholders and customers...
(Julian Hosp, Co-founder)

  1. Why is the token price going down?
    They do not care about short time raising of the token price. The project is about a solid business model and long term success. The entire company is not doing anything for the short term, especially not for a token price. Their value right now is their transparency and honesty they provide as a community and team (which is not a nessecity to provide the public with as a company). The goal is the long term success of the whole project. The token should adapt to the company, not the other way around...
  2. Who is the new card issuer and is it confirmed?
    As there is no upside to release the info about a new card issuer, they don't tell who the new card issuer is. But they say that it is signed and confirmed. This should be trustful as there would be a huge downside by lying about this.
  3. How many users and tokenholders does the company now?
    Their lawyers suggest to not release this information right now, as it creates a lot of calculations and assumptions.
  4. When will ETH be enabled for all token holders?
    Julian takes the blame for this. They have to many hats juggling on our heads and have still a lot to work on. The reason for delays on the website and card issuer is, that there are many sideway issues coming in, wether it be legal, security or technical issues. This is not the answer they want to give, but it is a fact that we might be overworked on certain topics and therefor see these delays. They are working on this issue and it will be solved soon. What they learned? Focus on priorities.
  5. Is the TenX commited to the roadmap?
    Yes. As mentioned before, the exchanges mentioned in the roadmap for being added in september were added in august so therefor there's no exchanges being added in september as mentioned in the roadmap.
  6. Can you consider adding tether?
    Not really. Julian doesn't trust Tether, which is based on the US Dollar. Because in his opinion this goes totally against the idea of decentralization.
  7. Is there anyone watching the company concerning inside trading?
    THey have other topics to deal with prior to hire a person watching all employees and create mistrust. Again, the company does not look for short term gain and therefor try to manipulate the market. Julian is very honest with his tradings (he bought 4 times, never sold 1 token).
  8. Can TenX be added to Kraken in order for the Pay token to be less dependent on the Bitcoin price?
    The company is in contact with Kraken. This might not cause a big change towards the dependency on the bitcoin price though, Julian says.
  9. Is the company spending extra money on its employees?
    They don't actually have to give an answer, but they seem not to spend any crazy amount on what so ever. They provide the employees with food so they can work more efficient
  10. Any news concerning the banking license?
    Not really, as they hired the person who makes the license ten days ago. The person the work with, Jana, has previously worked for amazon and paypal. The license will be finished in between 6 to 15 months.
  11. Is the spending of cardholders as expected?
    The spending is higher at the moment as expected, as there is mainly people spending big amounts of money. Once TenX is mass adopted, the average spending might go down as not everyone will spend 4 digit amounts.
  12. What are the main differences between TenX and its competitors?
    The competitors can be put in three categories: 1. the company focuses on one currency (bitcoin). They have a working product and bitcoin customers. The difference is, TenC focuses on more than just a few currencies. Most of them might have a fait card or bitcoin card, TenX wants to create a product for a lot of currencies. 2. Companies that have sold a lot of ICOs, but they don't really have anything. They don't really have a working product yet, they didn't solve the payment issue yet. So we will have to see what they might actually produce. 3. Companies that are successful with fiat currencies and that want to switch to the crypto space. They have huge teams, a lot of knowledge and tons of customers. They are not competitors yet, but they might be in the future. This is where TenX puts its focus; watch the big players how they work and how they adapt to the crypto world. TenX gets shot a lot from other companies. Why? Because TenX is a threat to them.
  13. How are you going to manage the volatility of cryptocurrencies in your crypto wallet?
    TenX is working with a swiss company concerning this issue. They have a decentralized solution in being able to diversify founds. There is solutions of how you van hedging your cryptocurrencies. Several other companies they are being talked with to possibly partner with. If TenX manages to diversify and hedge, it would be a grat opportunity for the average person to put their fiat money they trust in into TenX, where it is diversified into different cryptocurrencies. That would be a interesting way to get from fiat into crypto.
  14. Why is slack shut down?
    There were too many fishing and scamming issues. So in order to protect the community, they don't allow new members for the moment.
  15. Is the card going to be open source?
    Not right now and maybe never. The wallet will be open source, the card they haven't decided yet.
  16. How many people work for TenX?
    At the moment there are about 30, where as 22 are working and 8 are in their transition period.  

... the main problem with cryptocurrencies is that people buy tokens to hope to sell them at a higher price. A lot of people don't really want to know what the company behind stands for or care about the long term goals. This issue could make the crypto space being a bubble. TenX doesn't want to be part short term gains and speculations...
(Julian Hosp, Co-founder)


Thank you for creating the short summery. Julian seemed very angry in the Q&A.

he did. i can understand if you get all these questions when people don't appreciate all the work and transparency.. i guess we will have to accept this fact in crypto for a while. it might get even worse, this economy might attract more and more people that don't care much about the company but rather about quick gains and blame the company if they don't make their quick gains.. poor julian :)

Excellent summary! Please, if you have time. I'd like to read more of these summaries regarding TenX. :)

sweet thanks

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